A talented singing dog helps ambulances get to their emergency services by howling loudly in the street.
The chocolate cockapoo named Biddy discovered his voice at three-months-old and has been singing along to sirens and songs ever since.
Biddy became famous in Edinburgh, Scotland, for “helping the ambulances to be heard” and cannot help but stop and bark whenever he hears a siren.
The gifted dog also knows all of the words to rock band Kodaline’s album and will sing his furry heart out to their songs at home.
“It’s as if he knows the words,” dog owner Rachel said.

In the video, the chocolate cockapoo barks long and loud to the sounds of the ambulance passing in the street.
He is completely engrossed in copying the noise and doesn’t finish howling until the sirens are no longer heard.
It’s as if the dog is trying to mimic and strengthen the wailing sound.
His owner Rachel Flynn, from Edinburgh, Scotland, explained: “Biddy howls whenever he hears sirens - it’s as if he is helping the ambulances to be heard.”
PR Officer Rachel and her partner Jordan welcomed the cockapoo puppy into their home in June 2020.
They named Biddy after the Irish pub, Biddy Mulligans, in the Edinburgh Grassmarket, where they met in 2017.
When he had been with them for just a few weeks, Jordan discovered Biddy’s talent for singing.
“Jordan was driving in his work van listening to Kodaline when Biddy started howling loudly,” Rachel explained.
“Jordan didn’t know whether to interrupt him or not, but Biddy was far too distracted singing away.

“As soon as they came home, Jordan put Kodaline on to show me and Biddy did it again.”
The 18-month-old dog is still Kodaline’s number one fan, and will only sing to the band’s songs and emergency services’ sirens.
“It’s as if he knows the words,” Rachel said. “If we start singing a Kodaline song, Biddy will join in.”
When Rachel, Jordan and Biddy used to live in Edinburgh city centre, there would be sirens constantly in the street.
“He became very famous in our little local area. Everyone knew Biddy in the pubs, cafes, hairdressers and pharmacies,” Rachel said.
“There would be water bowls laid out for him and treats behind the counter.”
Rachel describes Biddy as “the most hilarious pup in the world” and “a wee monkey”.
Biddy is amazing with children and loves to play with Rachel’s five nieces and nephews, especially two-year-old Maisie.
When Biddy isn’t singing, he’s sleeping, eating vegetables or digging holes in the garden.
And he is currently Rachel’s running buddy while she trains for a marathon to fundraise for her workplace and dedicated charity, Worldwide Cancer Research .
You’ll often find Biddy on the cancer charity’s social media as he’s the mascot for its lottery campaign .
The cockapoo also has his own Instagram account , where you can spot more videos of him howling to sirens.