Council accountability and state government planning decisions will be among the issues tackled at a public forum in Newcastle next week.
Hunter Community Forum will host Taking Back Our City: Make City Planning Accountable on May 1 at Newcastle City Hall. The event is a follow up to a July 2023 forum titled Whose City Is It?
Co-convenor of Hunter Community Forum and former Greens councillor Therese Doyle said the forum would "address widespread and recurrent public concerns".
This includes whether City of Newcastle has earned a reputation for a lack of accountability, the council not allowing the public to address council meetings about issues on the agenda at that meeting, community consultation and participation in local government and the impact of state government planning decisions on the environment.
Shoalhaven mayor Amanda Findley will speak at the forum on local democracy, while former Newcastle Greens councillor Ian McKenzie will speak on the effect of urban sprawl on Newcastle's western forests.
Christiane Berlioz from Better Planning Network, a peak body for community groups, will cover the topic of 'how not to solve the housing crisis: state government plans to override local and community planning'.
Local doctor Ross Kerridge, who unsuccessfully challenged lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes for Labor preselection in February, will address the question 'why do good people in government make bad decisions?'
Newcastle Herald columnist and social commentator Paul Scott will emcee the event.
"In response to public demand, we will be offering members of the audience opportunities to contribute towards both discussion and outcomes of the forum" Ms Doyle said.
Hunter Community Forum is a coalition of community groups, which describes itself as advocating for better planning with public participation, heritage and environmental protections, and transparent and accountable government in the Hunter.
Registration at events.humanitix.com/taking-back-our-city