An independent panel assessed more than $600 million worth of developments in Newcastle last year in an effort to improve design quality in new projects.
The Urban Design Review Panel considered 71 items in 2022, according to the panel's annual report lodged to the August 22 Newcastle council meeting.
The panel is reputedly the oldest continuously serving urban design and architectural advisory body in NSW, and assesses development applications on their design with an aim to produce a "high standard".
"The UDRP panel is continually looking for ways to take urban design excellence in Newcastle to a new level," Urban Design Review Panel chair Philip Pollard said.
"We are currently considering some exciting development applications and working together to strike a balance between sustainability and quality design outcomes.
"We are also looking for more ways to make connections to Country in the design of public domain spaces.

"Good design is not merely creating good looking public spaces and buildings. It is anchored in an understanding of city making, and in creating enduring, functional and uplifting environments, for work, recreation and living."
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the panel's annual report demonstrated a track record of ensuring design excellence for a number of significant developments.
"Newcastle is coming of age by transforming into a modern metropolitan city, with significant redevelopment occurring right across the local government area," Cr Nelmes said.
The UDRP has considered a number of significant developments including both the landmark Dairy Farmers and The Store redevelopments in Newcastle West.
Dr Pollard also acted as the council's jury representative for two design competitions in 2022, including The East End Stage 3 and 4 redevelopment and $100 million redevelopment of the former Spotlight site in Newcastle West.
Take a look at some of the developments assessed by the panel in 2022
11-17 Mosbri Crescent, The Hill (Sovereign Park)

$67.3 million
Residential accommodation, strata subdivision, earthworks and demolition - 161 units and 11 two-storey multi-dwellings.
Approved by the Hunter Central Coast Regional Planning Panel in July 2022.
Read more about the project here.
10 Dangar Street, Wickham (Bowline)

$67.4 million
Alterations and additions to an approved mixed-use development (commercial, retail and shop top housing) comprising alterations to approved floor plans and three additional floors of shop top housing above the approved structure.
Approved by the Development Applications Committee in December 2022.
Read more about the project here.
292 Maitland Road, Mayfield

$26.6 million
Shop top housing - ground floor retail and commercial and 58 residential units.
Approved by the Development Applications Committee in November 2022.
Read more about the project here.
854 Hunter Street, Newcastle West (The Store)

$117.78 million
Mixed use development - commercial and retail premises and two residential towers containing 365 dwellings.
Approved by the Hunter Central Coast Regional Planning Panel in July 2022.
Read more about the project here.
924 Hunter Street, Newcastle West (Dairy Farmers)

$100.1 million
Mixed-use development - commercial premises and two residential towers containing 182 units.
Approved by the Hunter Central Coast Regional Planning Panel in July 2022.
Read more about the project here.
Design competitions
789 Hunter St, Newcastle West (The Cambridge Hotel)

$81 million
538 bed student housing complex.
Design competition held in December 2022. The winner Group GSA Architecture was decided by the competition jury of three members, including Dr Pollard.
Read more about the project here.

East End Stage 3 & 4

Design competition held in August 2022. The winner of the competition, SJB Architecture in collaboration with Durbach Block Jaggers and Curious Practice was decided by the competition jury consisting of three members, Dr Pollard.
Read more about the project here.