An ACT coroner has expressed his sincere condolences to the families of two teenage girls killed as passengers of a high-speed car crash, but made no major findings about the tragic case.
"There is no doubt Claire and Susi's deaths have devastated their families and caused them immeasurable grief," coroner Ken Archer said in findings published on Friday.
"I acknowledge that their passing has been a traumatic experience for both families."

Friends Claire Sankey and Susi Kopysiewicz were 15 and 14, respectively, when a drunk teenage driver crashed a Toyota Camry at 200kmh on the Monaro Highway while trying to show off.
When the car came to rest, the killer driver and another teenage boy passenger got out and ran away. They fled the area in an Uber.
The driver later admitted two counts of culpable driving causing death, and, among other charges, single counts of failing to render assistance and driving as an unaccompanied learner.
He cannot be named because he was a minor at the time of the October 2022 crash.
"It's clear that the loss of two young lives in such tragically pointless circumstances will have a profound effect," Justice David Mossop said last year, when he handed him a nearly four-year jail term.
The driver would only be ordered to spend two years of that ACT Supreme Court sentence behind bars.

The coroner confirmed many of the findings made in the criminal case after not holding public hearings for the inquest. Mr Archer found the two girls died as a result of multiple injuries sustained in the crash.
An ACT government fatal crash callout officer said, given the killer's reckless manner of driving, likely wet conditions would not have caused or contributed to the crash.
The Camry was also found to be in good condition and proper working order.
"I do not find any matter of public safety to arise in connection with the inquest into Claire and Susi's deaths," Mr Archer said.
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