Thanks to the many wild adventures she had while in the land Down Under, from reports of affairs with co-stars to bites from spiders, Sydney Sweeney truly became one with Australian culture. So much so that she recently explained the great annual pilgrimage that is Schoolies to Jimmy Fallon while on American television.
While promoting her upcoming Australian-based rom-com Anyone But You on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Sweeney and Fallon began talking about “Australian slang” the actress picked up while over here.
Yes America, we add the “oh” sound to the end of most nouns. Yes, we call it a Macca’s and not a McDonald’s. And yes, instead of saying “friend” we say “cunt”. Get with the times.
In November Sweeney was shooting a film in Queensland, which every fair dinkum true blue Australian knows is when you want to avoid Australia’s most northern state (more than you already do the rest of the year) due to Schoolies.
Sweeney then explained to one of America’s two Jimmy’s to host a late night talk show the sacred tradition that is Schoolies.
“While I’ve been there, they had this thing called the Schoolies, and it’s when the high schoolers graduate, and they go and have their big huge spring break party,” stated the Euphoria actress, correctly giving our educational ritual the definite article it deserves.
Apparently the American equivalent of Schoolies is called “Spring Break” which I only know from those horny B-movies. However, like the US version of Kath And Kim, it barely resembles its Australian counterpart.
She then detailed the other attendees of Schoolies: the *shudders* Toolies. *vomiting emoji, dead emoji, leaving the state emoji*
“They shut down all the streets and the Schoolies go out, and then the ‘Toolies’ go out too, and those are anybody that is older than 21. And they put wristbands on them to know that there are tools trying to pick up younger kids.”
“The Toolies and the Schoolies?! That’s so fun, I love that!” responded authentic human Jimmy Fallon, who is not an AI designed to host television.
Sweeney then went on to explain Foolies as “anybody still in high school” who “aren’t old enough to be messing around.”
And then Jimmy Fallon had the AUDACITY to say:
“I’m such a ‘Toolie’. Yeah, oh my god, so sad.”
SAD? How dare he?
That’s an honest Australian tradition he’s slandering there, are we seriously just going to cop this from him? He’s a grown man who goes by the name Jimmy FFS. Toolie is hardly the saddest thing about him.
They then concluded the topic of discussion by doing the thing that every American on TV does where they say something to the point of how great Australia is.
Fallon went with the extemporised: “Gosh I love Australia though, such a beautiful place.
“And the people there. I’ve never met an Australian person that wasn’t the best.” Way to try too hard, Jim.
Meanwhile Sweeney played it more chill with a casual: “It’s awesome, I love it.”
If you’re an American being interviewed about Australia and looking for a generic compliment to make, here’s a helpful list:
- I love Australia! Have you tried Tim-Tams? They’re amazing!
- Australia is so beautiful, everyone there is so welcoming!
- Australia is one of my favourite places to visit!
- I sure can’t wait to go back to Australia!
- Australia is just like America, I love it as much as I love it here!
- I have so many good friends in Australia!
Just make sure to say any of these, and that way you’ll be able to successfully gaslight 25 million cork-hat wearing BBQ operating larrikins that you’re practically one of them.
While on Fallon’s show Sweeney also shared footage from when she got bit by a huntsman, which you can read about here. Unless you’re scared of spiders. Or Jimmy Fallon.
The post Sydney Sweeney Explained Schoolies To Jimmy Fallon & THIS Is Australian Culture, Sweetie appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .