"Loud pipes save lives" is a divisive statement, even in the motorcycle community. I believe, under certain circumstances, loud pipes could actually prevent some accidents and potentially death. In Ireland, where I spent my formative years riding, lane splitting is legal, but motorcycles aren't common, so drivers aren't always on the lookout for us.
I've seen plenty of wayward tires cross back over to the correct side when they heard my loud exhaust.
I've also lived in Thailand, where lane splitting is expected by all, and loud exhausts are purely for the enjoyment of the rider. But if you were to bring even a hint of this motorcycle culture to Switzerland today, you could be fined up to €10,650 ($11,000).
The Swiss Federal Council toughened its sanctions against noise pollution. However, the sanctions are more directed at the riders and drivers. Well, technical modifications to the vehicles are banned, so aftermarket pipes are a no-no. But the list of finable actions goes way too far, in my opinion.
In addition to the ban on technical modifications, the list of finable actions that create noise pollution has been expanded. Motorists could be fined up to $11,000 if they deliberately cause noise with their exhaust, but wait, there's more. There are fines ranging from 60-80 francs ($66-88) for unnecessarily warming up or running the engine of a stationary vehicle.
But your engine doesn't even have to be on to get a noise-related fine. You can now also receive sanctions for slamming doors, loud music, and incessant comings and goings, amongst other noises. I should add that these sanctions follow a ban that already exists to stop motorcyclists from riding on certain roads because bikes are too noisy.
I'm all for not being an ass on a bike. I think riding is so much fun that there's no need for rev-bombing or just generally acting the maggot in urban areas—it makes us all look bad. But I feel like Switzerland is going too far.
Has Switzerland become the fun police for gearheads? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.