Emergency services were called to the centre of Swansea after parts of a wall above a popular bar fell several feet onto the ground below. The incident saw a section of Wind Street in the city centre blocked off late on Monday night as bricks fell from above Jack Murphys bar and restaurant.
Firefighters headed to Wind Street and removed debris that had fallen from the building. You can keep up to date with the latest Swansea news by signing up to the local newsletter here.
One bystander said bits of the wall fell off and landed at the front of the bar and that staff were seen cleaning the area. The member of the public who was walking past at the time said it was fortunate that the area was not particularly busy, being a Monday night, and that someone could have been seriously injured had it happened during a busier period such as a weekend.
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A spokeswoman for Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said: “On Monday, at 10.11pm, crews from Morriston and Swansea Central attended an incident on Wind Street. Reports of debris having fallen from a building. Crews removed debris and made scene safe using turntable ladder, incident left with property owner and area cordoned off. Crews left the scene at 11.10pm.”
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Jack Murphys has been asked to comment on the extent of the damage but it is understood the bar will open as usual later on Tuesday, October 11.
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