Dog owners have been urged to keep their pets on a lead when walking around Sefton Park lake after a swan was killed this week.
An older cygnet was attacked and killed by a dog at the lake, near the Boathouse Kiosk on Monday, February 21.
A tweet from The Friends of Sefton Park revealed the news.
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The tweet, which was posted on Monday evening said: "It is with great sadness but one of our swans (younger swan) was savagely attacked by a dog and killed this afternoon. The owner could not control the husky type dog and quickly left the scene without reporting it to anyone."
A second tweet added: "The swan was thankfully recovered from the water by Gino (park and boathouse cafe owner) who has it ready for the police and RSPCA. If you are walking your dog near the birds on the lake, please make sure your dog is on a lead and you can control it."
Andrea Ku, Chair of the Friends of Sefton Park, spoke to the ECHO about the incident and what has to be done to keep the park's wildlife safe in the future.
She said: " Two relatively young swans - you'd call them older cygnets - from Princes Park flew to Sefton Park and they used to feed on the bank by the kiosk. It was one of those that were attacked.
"I wasn't there when it happened but I've spoken to people who witnessed it.
"Gino who runs the park’s cafes, and one of his staff, witnessed the whole event. Gino was there at the same time and he retrieved the dead swan from the lake.
"From what I’ve heard, it was a Husky-type dog and it had one of those Julius harnesses on.
"They’re quite strong things. I think it was a man, who was talking to somebody, and they had the dog on a lead, but they were not looking at the dog. The swan appeared and the dog just went for the swan - grabbed it around its neck and just killed it.
"Because they weren’t paying attention to the dog, the lead sort of slipped a bit and that’s how the dog attacked the swan."
A spokesperson for Merseyside Police confirmed that the dog owner has come forward and has now been given advice.
They said: "At around 4.05pm on Monday, 21 February, we received a report that a swan was killed by a dog in Sefton Park.
"Enquiries by Merseyside Police and RSPCA have established that the dog was on a lead at the time of the incident.
"The dog owner has now come forward and has been provided with advice.
"We would like to thank the members of the public who came forward and provided information about the incident."
Going forward, Andrea hopes that the incident reminds dog owners of their responsibility to protect wildlife in the park.
She added: "There are far more good and responsible dog owners than bad. I think the good ones will keep their dogs on a lead when they’re around the lake and around any kind of bird life or wildlife in the park, but there is just the odd ones that don’t do that.
"I have seen dogs chasing ducks and getting them and killing them. I’d just recommend keeping dogs on leads around the lake.
"The lake just kind of slopes in and dogs can run in, whereas in other parks like Greenbank, there’s a drop in so dogs aren’t likely to go in and jump.
"Just keep them on a lead around the lake and around birdlife."
Regarding the incident, a RSPCA spokesperson said: “This must have been a very distressing incident.
“We always ask dog-owners to be aware that there may be wild animals present in areas when walking their pet and to keep their dog under control at all times even whilst on a lead.
“Dog owners have a legal responsibility under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 to keep their dog under control in a public place.
“Swans, their nests and their eggs are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.”
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