A suspect has been charged by police after a road was sealed off for six hours.
Merseyside Police were called to Gaskell Street in St Helens at around 8am on Thursday, April 20, following reports of an incident. Once officers arrived they closed the road between Sutton Road and Granville Street to carry out enquiries.
There were more than ten police vehicles and a fire engine at the scene of the incident. As well as Gaskell Street being closed there was also an alleyway cordoned off by police.
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Officers have now named David Young, of Gaskell Street, as a suspect following the incident. The 44-year-old has been charged on suspicion of affray, making threats to kill, using threatening/abusive/insulting words/behaviour with intent to cause fear and abstracting electricity without authority.
He was remanded into custody and will appear at Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton and St Helens Adult Remand Court tomorrow (Saturday, April 22).
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