Supergiant announced Hades 2, a sequel to, well, Hades, the award-winning action game and the first game to win a Hugo Award at The Game Awards 2022. Hades 2 will enter early access in 2023, similar to Hades before it, and give players a chance to experience the roguelike firsthand, while offering their feedback to help improve the game on its road to full release.
The Hades 2 trailer introduced us to another demigod on a seemingly impossible mission – this time, to defeat the Titan of Time himself. For those of you who haven’t brushed up on your Greek mythology, Titans are the deities who existed before the established Greek pantheon – their children who would later rise up and overthrow their parents.
The trailer didn’t show too much, but we caught a glimpse of more Hades-like stages, NPCs with stories to tell and, hopefully, boons to give, and a brief snippet of Hades himself advising our heroine against going after Chronos.
There’s no release date for the Hades 2 early access trial just yet, but like most early access games and the first Hades before it, you can expect the Hades 2 early access period to go live on PC first, and possibly only.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF