Members of Slimming World groups across Renfrewshire have been raising vital funds for Cancer Research UK.
Super slimmers have been donating clothes that are now too big for them and taking part in Race for Life.
The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw saw members donate clothes they have slimmed out of as well as shoes, bags, homeware items and accessories.
Local consultant and member Grace Neill also donated several bags of clothes after losing five stone and dropping five dress sizes.
Team Renfrewshire has so far collected 800 bags of clothes to be sold in Cancer Research UK shops.
Their contribution, the charity suggests, is likely to raise around £20,000 at the tills.

This year, Slimming World is also sponsoring the Race for Life, raising even more vital funds for research.
Local consultants Grace Neill, Heather Moore, Jennifer McDade and Louise O’Neill and some of their members took part in the 5K Race for Life at Glasgow Green on Sunday, May 21.
Slimming World’s physical activity support programme, Body Magic, is all about encouraging members to find ways of moving more that are fun and that they can enjoy at their own pace, so Race for Life was a great fit with the club’s approach to exercise.
Grace told the Paisley Daily Express: “At Slimming World, we’re committed to helping our members make healthier choices, which in turn can help to reduce the risk of cancer – a goal shared by our charity partner, Cancer Research UK.
“Through this important partnership, we’re helping to fund research into cancers related to obesity, to build on our understanding of the links between weight and cancer – and ultimately to help save lives.

“The partnership between the charity and the weight-loss organisation hopes to raise awareness of the links between obesity and cancer. Together, they have generated over £19 million since 2012.”
To find out more about joining Slimming World contact Grace on 07928 531481 or find a local group at
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