Like most RPGs, Super Mario RPG’s world is filled with little details and side quests to uncover. One of the lengthier side quests involves the aptly named musician Toadofsky, and you can find the composer on the right side of Tadpole Pond, called Melody Bay, where he’s endeavoring to create the perfect symphony. Your job, of course, is to find the pieces of music and use the tadpoles in the pond to create them.
While the game does give you clues on how to do this, it can be a bit confusing, so we’ll help guide you through how to solve the Melody Bay puzzle and compose all three songs in Super Mario RPG.
How to Play Melody Bay’s First Song - Frogfucius’ Suite #18

You can compose the first song as soon as you visit Meolody Bay and meet Toadofsky. The hint for this first song can be found by examining the tapestry behind Frogfucius. You can use the image above as reference on how to do it, but we’ll also explain the whole thing on the note scale.
The pond is basically a music page, with each line functioning as a different note. You need to jump on each tadpole and stop it on the proper note to compose a full song. From top to bottom, here’s how the notes are organized:
- Mi
- Re
- Do
- Ti
- La
- So
- Fa
The hint you get will tell you which notes you need to hit in which order. So if that helps, here’s what the notes are for Frogfucius’ Suite #18
- So
- La
- Mi
- Re
- Do
- Re
- Do
- Re
After doing this Toadofsky will give you a membership card to the Juice Bar, where you can use Frog Coins to buy powerful recovery items that heal your entire party. To find the Juice Bar, turn left and head all the way West as soon as you enter Tadpole Pond from the world map.
How to Play Melody Bay’s Second Song - Mole Mountain Blues

For the second song, you’ll need to continue the story until you’ve reached Moleville, then complete the entire section in the mines to free the townspeople. After completing the mines, re-enter them and travel all the way to the end to find a group of Moles working, talk to them to get the hint.
Back at the pond here are the notes you need to play, which you can see in the image above.
- Mi
- Do
- So
- Do
- Re
- La
- Ti
- Do
How to Play Melody Bay’s Third Song - Monstro Town Melody

For the third and final song you’ll need to continue the story all the way until Monstro Town. Once there, head to the inn and go upstairs, then talk to the Starfish at the back of the room. The Starfish will play the melody but won’t actually tell you the notes you need. This means you’d have to reproduce it by ear, unless you follow our image and instructions.
Now when you get back to Tadpole Pond, do the following melody.
- La
- Ti
- Do
- So
- Re
- So
- Do
- Re
After this song, Toadofsky will ask you to do one more to complete the composition, but luckily for this last one, you can do literally any combination of notes that you want. Sit back and enjoy the tune, then head to the Juice Bar where you can now buy everything.