The Philadelphia Eagles are the designated home team in Super Bowl LIX, so the captains of the Kansas City Chiefs will be calling the highly anticipated opening coin flip on Sunday from New Orleans.
The Chiefs have won the coin toss in back-to-back Super Bowls and three of their last four Super Bowls overall.
Who will get the first win of Super Bowl LIX at midfield before kickoff? Winners of the ceremonial coin flip decide whether to receive the opening kickoff or defer to the second half.
Here is some history and betting odds on the Super Bowl coin clip ahead of Sunday:
Recent history
Tails has won 30 of the first 58 coin flips at the Super Bowl.
Over the last 10 Super Bowls, tails has won six times, including a run of five wins in six years. Heads has won during three of the last four years, however.
Super Bowl LVIII: Heads
Super Bowl LVII: Tails
Super Bowl LVI: Heads
Super Bowl LV: Heads
Super Bowl LIV: Tails
Super Bowl LII: Heads
Super Bowl LI: Tails
Super Bowl L: Tails
Super Bowl XLIX: Tails
Super Bowl XLVIII: Tails
Betting odds
According to odds at BetMGM, neither head nor tails has a betting advantage, and neither the Chiefs nor the Eagles has a betting advantage — as you’d expect from what is expected to be a 50-50 proposition.
Flip: Heads, -100; Tails, -100
Winner: Chiefs, -100; Eagles, -100