Proposals to redevelop a former Hetton pub site as housing have been submitted to council planning chiefs. Earlier in July, 2022, Sunderland City Council’s planning department validated an application for the former Fox and Hounds public house off North Road.
This included an outline application to establish the principle of five houses on the wider pub site – with all other matters such as appearance and layout reserved to a later date. The planning application was submitted to city planners along with supporting documents providing more information on the scheme.
A design and access statement claims the plans would help support the city council’s housing strategy, offering a range of “housing types, sizes and tenures.” The statement adds the proposed development would meet housing needs for “present and future residents in Hetton-le-Hole” while also offering an “increase in housing opportunities”.
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According to planning documents, the Fox and Hounds pub has been closed for around five years. A submitted community statement notes the vacant site has resulted in “negative impacts” on the area due to its “inactivity and run-down exterior”.
A planning statement also confirms that demolition plans for the former pub buildings will be made at a later date. The planning statement adds: “The proposed development will help support and revitalise the local economy by improving the image of the area and attracting further investment.
“Whilst the pub would be demolished as part of the proposal (at the detailed stage) it would bring back into use a brownfield site to meet a recognised housing need.” A decision on the housing scheme will be made once a period of council consultation has concluded.
For more information on the planning application or to track its progress, visit Sunderland City Council’s online planning portal and search reference: 21/02552/OUT