Sunday blessings? As someone who earns a living from theatre, Sunday is normally my one day off. They are a prized day.
Sunday grub? My fiancée is such an astounding cook that my waking hours are spent in enthralled anticipation. She’ll appear with something freshly baked, freshly steamed or freshly concocted, or I’ll get shouted at to come downstairs for stacks of pancakes or a vegan full English. My Sundays are spent giggling like a child, kicking my legs like a fat baby.
How vegan are you? Vegan-ish. We try to eat healthily and ecologically. A lot of vegan stuff is heavily processed. Eating meat farmed within a mile of where you live has got to be better than eating kale imported from Nicaragua. So we’ll eat venison.
Sunday housework? I have diagnosed ADHD, so I’m helpful in a specific ADHD way. If I walk into the kitchen and it’s a complete bombsite, I’ll think: ‘I can put these things away.’ But I’ll end up tidying the whole house at once and make more mess than when I started.
Sunday me time? I have my children with me for half of my Sundays. The other half, it’s just me and Sally [Hodgkiss]. We tend not to get out of bed, really. There will be some eating, cups of tea, reading. We’ll watch nonsense on YouTube or play Mario Kart. Intermittent with that, we’ll throw each other around for hours on end.
Sunday nookie! One of the nice things about getting older is that you are more aware of how the machinery works. Once I split from my ex-wife, I thought: ‘Hang on, I’ve been locked into one service provider. Maybe I could broaden this out.’ Then when I met Sally, we thought: ‘Great, what are we doing with clothes on?’
Rufus Hound’s Lore is available to watch at home on digital streaming and download now