Up early or lie in? I don’t sleep late. Sleep is not one of my greatest talents, but I’m very good at lying down.
First thing you do? Having not been a coffee drinker, I’ve got into it – being in Australia did that. I go back to bed with coffee, or I water the plants.
Sunday breakfast? I don’t eat breakfast – not at breakfast time at any rate. I’d always forced myself and then I thought, ‘For God’s sake you were a child when you were told to do that.’
How do you relax? I spend much of the day pottering. I’ve got a small garden and I don’t like the sun so I put a hammock up in the shade and lie reading, sipping a Campari soda. I’m reading The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen. Something terrible happens but I haven’t got to that part yet.
Sunday lunch? I’ll see people for not-quite-lunch and not-quite-supper. My friends are not scared to cook for me, I’ve had the same friends for ages. If I’m cooking, I try to stop myself turning to roast chicken but I often do. I’ll make potato salad with gherkins, capers, oil and vinegar, like my mother and grandmother. Everyone says, ‘Oh I’m not eating carbs,’ but they always eat it.
Sunday drinks? Something in a jug. Prosecco, San Pellegrino Limonata, tequila and elderflower. Or a version of a margarita.
Sunday sounds? When I’m pottering, I adore silence. It’s one of the scarcest commodities. Though when I wash up, I put my ‘dance time’ playlist on, full of disco and Motown, because I’m perfectly happy to be distracted by noise then.
Sunday evening? On the sofa with a bowl of crisps and a drink. I don’t drink a lot, I’m more of an eater than a drinker, so I’ll have one and then finish up the soda. I haven’t found anything to replace Succession yet and I’m not a big TV person, so I only watch TV if other people are there and silence isn’t an option – then I’ll be annoying because I like it to be a group activity with lots of chatting.
Sunday wind-down? I like standing, walking or lying down – sitting is not my main activity, so I’ll lie in bed and do all the things they tell you not to do, like be on my phone, which is very naughty.
Nigella Lawson has launched three recipes with Ocado, and added new products to her Nigella Loves aisle, to champion independent producers (ocado.com/nigella)