Up early or lie-in? I’d love a lie-in, but I don’t get one because we have a dog. Until recently, we had two. Millie was in Puppy Love, the BBC sitcom Vicki Pepperdine and I did years ago. She sadly died a few weeks ago. Now I’m left with Levi, who needs an awful lot of exercise.
Where are you dog walking? If we’re in Wales, we’ll head into Snowdonia. If we’re in south London, we’ll go to the North Downs. Then it’s home for berries, yoghurt and nuts. I have the same boring breakfast every day.
Sunday lunch? I used to fantasise that I’d open the house for Sunday lunches, thousands of people would turn up and I’d be endlessly pouring bountiful rivers of gravy. In reality, no one wants to come and see us.
Sunday music? I’m friends and neighbours with opera singer Nina Bennet, who’s in a TikTok choir. I’ll try to catch her for a bolt of classical excellence.
Sunday chores? Sunday is the day to catch up with everything that’s been neglected during the week. I’m obsessed with YouTube videos on clutter control. My favourite is The Minimal Mom, this Midwestern Christian who keeps a really tidy house. Instead of tidying, I’ll watch videos about tidying.
Then what? If I’m lucky, I’ll get down to the dump. Is there a better feeling than driving away from the dump? It’s like going to confession. I leave on a massive high.
Sunday evenings? If it’s Strictly season, I’ll be watching the results and my husband will be watching Spurs.
Sundays growing up? Traditional and boring. Church at 9am, Sunday lunch, afternoons spent lying on sofas watching westerns and eating chocolates and cheese on toast. Then we’d crash.
Look forward to or dread Mondays? I love the idea of the week to come and what it holds. By Sunday night, I’m bored of the weekend anyway.
Wicked Little Letters is out now