Up early? I normally get up at 5.30 for filming. On Sundays it’s a treat to stay in bed. But we’ve got three dogs now, and my daughter, Rose, who’s 12, so it’s not as if we can have a mega lie-in. We’re up at 7.30am.
First thing? I fantasise about coffee before I go to sleep. On weekdays, I tiptoe downstairs and make strong coffee in our Bialetti stove-top pot before work.
Sundays growing up? It was always Dad [actor Edward Fox] eating Mum’s [actor Joanna David] homemade marmalade on big, buttered chunks of toast. Dad would take us to Regent’s Park to feed the ducks, while Mum got a roast on the table. They’d invite friends over who were happy to play games and cards with me. Sunday evenings I’d play the piano with Dad. I can still picture my little hands on top of his as he played.
Sunday mornings now? A walk in our local park, or Jonathan [Stadlen, Fox’s husband] takes the dogs out while I do a workout at home.
Sunday afternoons? Jonathan has a boat, so we might go rowing on the Thames with Rose and all the dogs. If my parents are in town it’s a good time to see them. Sunday afternoons are often about Rose’s homework, but I do feel like a nag.
What’s for dinner? We do a roast chicken and an apple crumble. We listen to podcasts or Desert Island Discs while we cook together. It’s a relief to be at home after a busy week.
Sunday dread? I used to hate going back to boarding school on a Sunday night, until I changed schools. But now I love Mondays: the school run if I’m at home or going to work. I’ve managed to eradicate Sunday night blues.
Lights out? We’ll take the dogs out. I’ll learn lines. I used to listen to the news when I was on my own, but it just kept me awake. Jonathan likes listening to The World Tonight on Radio 4. It sends me to sleep – very often I don’t get past the headlines.
Silent Witness returns early in the new year to BBC One