Early riser? My dream is to sleep until 9.30am. My tech ring gives sleep stats. Unless I get an hour and a bit of deep sleep, I start my day in an anxious fret.
How do you begin your day? Coffee and a run through emails. Then I go for a walk with my husband, James. We tend to spend weekends in Wiltshire – our happy place. We do an hour’s circuit through the village and fields and end at our friends’ house for coffee.
Soundtrack? We’re going through a phase of calypso music, so Lord Kitchener and Mighty Sparrow are a happy backdrop. Waking up, I listen to Radio 4.
Lunch? I can’t cook, but James is brilliant. Or we’ll walk to the pub for ham, egg and chips.
Do you work? Sundays are my catch-up day. I work hard from lunch until I go to bed; without it life feels pretty uncomfortable. I clear the backlog and plan my week.
Wind-down? If I finish before 10.30pm – my ideal bedtime – I curl up with a book or boxset. Though in our village there’s an amazing masseuse. The real dream is an evening massage. The last thing I do is write in my diary.
Alternative Sunday? Saturdays are my Sunday. I’m a history nerd and we’re near Laycock, Badminton, Bath… amazing places to explore. A long lunch with friends is a real pleasure. Maybe chickpeas with roast chicken, marshmallow ice-cream and wine. We have an outside fireplace and I love a cold day with a fire.
Chores? I’m happy to schedule the supermarket. I never go. Whenever we do, James fills the trolley with good ingredients, and I fill it with strawberry laces and Diet Coke. I’m like, ‘Let’s get a packet of Cheddars!’
Childhood Sundays? As a treat, my mother would wheel in a trolley of tea. She’d make warm egg sandwiches with a little bit of salt and lemon on soft white bread. And there’d be cakes and flapjacks. With the fire, it was cosy.
Anya’s Christmas Grotto is at The Village in Chelsea, London. For details, visit anyahindmarch.com