Looks like Suhana Khan took some styling tips from her BFF Shanaya Kapoor. Just weeks after the actress went gaga over Shanaya's red saree look, she got her hands on an equally gorgeous and shimmery piece.
Suhana, who was in Delhi over the weekend, spending time with her cousins, spent a night out attending a family function and dressed up in the shimmery sequin number. Looking ravishing in the red saree, Suhana topped the look off with a red bindi and accessorised with a diamond bracelet.
Another photo doing the rounds online sees Suhana in a summery maxi dress, spending a sunny afternoon at a cafe with her cousins.
The budding actress wore her hair down in soft waves for the evening, which reminded fans of her look as Veronica in her debut film 'The Archies'.
Suhana will make her film debut in the upcoming Zoya Akhtar directorial titled 'The Archies'. The coming-of-age film, which is touted to be a desi interpretation of the hit comics, will also mark the debuts of star kids Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda. Vedang Raina, Mihir Ahuja and Dot complete the cast. While it has been confirmed that the film will have an OTT release, fans have been eagerly awaiting the release date.