The ambassadors of Saudi Arabia and the United States in Khartoum requested a new joint meeting that brings together the Freedom and Change coalition and the military rulers, to follow up on the latest developments since their first talks on June 10.
In a statement on Sunday, the Executive Office of the Freedom and Change coalition said that it had received an invitation from the Saudi and American embassies to the meeting, and delegated the coalition’s representative, Taha Othman, to attend the talks.
The coalition added that it was preparing its vision on the requirements to end the army’s control of the government and establish a democratic civilian authority.
It noted that the document would be delivered imminently, “after completing consultations with all the forces of the revolution and resistance.”
The coalition emphasized, however, that the measures to create a democratic climate have not been implemented in many aspects, especially with regards to the release of all detainees, the cessation of violence against demonstrators, protection of civilians, and the halting of procedures for the return of members of the former regime from Islamist groups to their positions.
The coalition also called for a massive demonstration on June 30 “to unite all the forces of revolution and resistance,” stressing that any political solution “must achieve the demands of the forces of revolution and change.”
A joint US-Saudi mediation had succeeded earlier this month - during the visit of US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee to Khartoum - in holding a meeting between the Freedom and Change coalition and the military to discuss solutions to the crisis in the country, more than eight months after the army took over, in what the civilian movements considered a military coup against the civil democratic transition in the country.