Succession spoilers below
Succession episode four was almost the opposite, in nearly every respect, of the one that preceded it.
Whereas most of episode three was spent on the slow fallout after Logan’s death, in episode four close to a dozen different storylines were opened up, exploding one after another like a machine gun hail of plotlines.
It also masterfully moved matters along – ladies and gentlemen, we have an interim CEO of Waystar Royco – while also somehow making the plot more winding, more twisting, and much further away from any kind of conclusion.
Here’s what happened in episode four.
Shiv gets a phone call
The ep opens with Shiv receiving a call from her doctor. An immediate shock: the doctor says that her results look good... and asks her if she has had any spotting. She then says, “Davina will reach out about your 20-week scan”. Oh my God, Shiv is pregnant.
Guests arrive at the wake
It’s just one day after his death, at Logan’s apartment, and literally everyone’s there: all of Logan’s cronies, including Gerri, plus Stewey, Sandi and Sandy, Colin the bodyguard (who is wearing jeans, appalling everyone) and later far-right Congressman Jeryd Mencken.
Kendall is surprised at Marcia’s attendance; she tells him that she and Logan “spoke intimately every evening”, which seems quite unlikely but difficult to disprove. We do later find out that she hadn’t seen Logan for seven weeks thought (it says so on a calendar). There’s no sign of Kerry anywhere.
During speeches by various people gushing about what a great man Logan was, Greg and Tom are whispering, and Tom adds, “...who died fishing his iPhone from a clogged toilet”. What? Can this be true?
“Would anyone care for a look at the china?”

All the cronies, and Tom, go for a chat in the china storeroom (every billionaire needs one). There’s going to be an announcement today about who will take over Waystar Royco in the interim, ready for the market opening on Monday.
Conversation is smooth and somehow supportive, while at the same time, there is an immediate bid for power. The group talk about their worries about the kids’ commitment to the GoJo deal, and wonders who among them would make a good CEO.
Karolina suggests Gerri. Karl suggests himself and says that Logan was souring on Gerri. “Well Logan isn’t around anymore,” Gerri replies. Tom puts himself forward and Karl takes him down in a cruel, backhanded manner.
A call with Matsson
The kids try to get through to Matsson but he won’t come to the phone, and his rep, on loudspeaker, couldn’t be less understanding about Logan’s death and the wake.
He asks the Roys to come to Sweden, which they really can’t do because their dad, um, died? But Matsson apparently can’t come to the UK because he has an “annual retreat” which he can’t just drop. They agree to talk again later in the week, but the vibes are off.
Connor buys an apartment

Marcia and Connor are talking and she says she’d like to sell Logan’s massive apartment for $60 to $70 million. Connor says, oh, for like $63 million? And Marcia says, yes! Deal. They shake hands; suddenly, whether he actually wanted to or not, Connor is buying the apartment.
Hugo talks to Kendall
Hugo buttonholes Kendall: he’s made a mistake. When he found out that Logan had died, before the news had been announced, he may have told his daughter Juliet, who subsequently sold her Waystar Royco shares before the market price dropped.
Technically that’s insider trading. He doesn’t want it to become a big thing, which is why he’s fessing up to Kendall now. Kendall keeps Hugo’s secret to himself. For now.
The Paper
Arguably the most important revelation of the entire episode is the paper: a list of instructions seemingly written by Logan, that should be enacted upon his death, which Frank finds in Logan’s safe. Frank, Karl and Gerri discuss, understandably, whether they should accidentally drop it down the toilet, but for whatever reason, decide instead to share its contents with the inner circle and the Roys.
The paper, which they assume was written about four years ago, names Kendall as Logan’s successor. Mic drop. Kendall’s head seems to explode; Shiv’s eyes get even more bleary. Roman looks shifty, as usual. Gerri reminds them, however, that the family no longer has majority control of Waystar Royco, so the paper shouldn’t feel like a bigger deal than it is.
And in any case, there are pencil markings that look like they were written sometime later, either underlining or crossing out Kendall’s name, it’s unclear. Obviously, Kendall thinks it’s an underline, obviously, Shiv thinks it’s a cross out.
Later Kendall talks to Frank in a moving scene that shows Kendall truly can’t believe that there was a time when his dad wanted him to take over, and asks him for his support. Frank asks him if he really wants back in – he has seemed to be doing well of late.

Big news though, Greg’s name is also written on the paper, also in pencil, with a question mark next to his name (Greg’s in the room when this is announced).
What on earth could this possibly mean? Logan surely can’t have meant that Greg should also have some high-up role in the company? But what it does mean is that Greg now has a real leg to stand on when fighting for his right to remain part of it... whereas Tom does not.
Tom is on the prowl
Meanwhile, Tom is looking for a new protector. First, he goes to Kendall, apologising for what he previously said about him. Tom says that he hopes the “big man passing” has “cleaned the slate”, and nauseatingly professes himself “here to serve”.
“I like you Tom, good luck,” says Kendall, and walks away.
Tom tries again with Roman, but the youngest brother can see Tom coming a mile off, and straight out rebuffs him.
Kerry finally shows up
It’s immediately clear when Kerry finally makes it that she’s been told not to come by Marcia, who immediately orders her security detail to escort the emotional Kerry “out the back”. Kerry protests that she needs to go upstairs to get her things, and that Logan was making arrangements for them to get married. But Marcia has already cleaned out Kerry’s possessions, and hands her a bag, which breaks.
Roman has come to see about the commotion and helps her collect her things. Kerry asks him to check on Logan’s marriage arrangements before she is brutally removed.
The board meeting

Kendall, Shiv and Roman speak privately about what to do. They feel like they need to go to the board meeting as a united front, because at the end of the day, they still want to navigate as a team, and buy PGM (or so they say), even if there’s not a lot of teamwork going on, with each of the siblings putting their case as to why they should become CEO, while shooting each other down.
Kendall says he should be him because of the paper, of course. Shiv, who has been looking a bit off-colour all episode says, “It needs to be me, too”. Roman says that given he’s already COO it should be him – it’s usual business practice for the COO to step up to fill the CEO role.
In the end, after lots of very harsh back and forth, the three decide that Rom and Kendall will step up as joint CEOs.
Shiv agrees to let her brothers take the lead, but only if they promise “on yesterday” not to “f***k” her. It’s a holding position anyway, they argue, for six to eight months.
When they take it to the board, Stewy backs Kendall, and, after much awkward deliberation and name calling (and my goodness Shiv’s face says she is already regretting the decision), the board does eventually agree to Roman and Kendall taking over. Shiv almost runs out of the meeting.
Serving dirt on dad
Karolina and Hugo sit down with Roman and Kendall to talk about controlling their image as they take over as CEOs.
There are two options: show the young Roys to be one and the same with Logan. Or, start serving dirt on their father, say that he was essentially incompetent in the last years of his life, and that they had been basically running the show for years anyway. Apparently, it will make them look more capable.
Roman, who isn’t a megalomaniac, is appalled at the latter suggestion and says, “Don’t bring us this disgusting shit ever again.” The meeting is over.
But later Kendall talks to Hugo. He tells him to go ahead with the dirt, but on the down low. When Hugo says he doesn’t fancy it, Kendall mentions the whole insider trading thing. Oh Hugo, why did you trust Kendall of all people with that secret?
Final thoughts
Phew, that was a lot. Somehow, although the CEO slot has been filled, there is less security, less clarity about what’s going to happen than ever before.

All of the new storylines episode 4 opens up:
Shiv – Shiv is pregnant, and not just by a couple of weeks, either. We don’t know who the father is yet.
Marcia – We’re assuming Marcia, who hasn’t been seen since the start of season three, is lying about regularly speaking to Logan, but she’s presenting her case ready for the forthcoming legal battle. It’s going to be messy.
Kerry – If there’s proof Logan was in fact arranging to wed Kerry, might she have a financial claim? And now that she’s been treated so badly, will she try and get revenge on Marcia? Does she have any dirt on the sibs?
The phone in the toilet – Did Logan really die ignominiously “fishing his iPhone from a clogged toilet”? And why?
The Paper – So many questions. Is it even real? We really haven’t heard the end of this. Also, why did Gerri, Karl and Frank decide to share the paper with the kids? Is it because they know it will eventually be their undoing?
Matsson – Does his effective ghosting of the Roys mean that he’s backing out of the GoJo deal? Or would he switch to side with Logan’s cronies if a battle came about?
Greg – Seriously. Greg’s name is written on the paper document with a question mark. What on earth?
Hugo – Hugo has got himself in deep, deep trouble dabbling in a bit of insider trading. This is not going to end well.
Buying the apartment – Connor’s purchase of Marcia’s apartment for a cool $63 million kept coming up. If they didn’t mention it so many times we wouldn’t care so much, but clearly it’s going to become important.
Jeryd Mencken – Halfway through the wake, the secret service turn up to do a security sweep before the arrival of far-right Congressman Jeryd Mencken. We haven’t heard about him for ages, so will Logan’s involvement with the politician – even if it was lukewarm – become an issue in the future?