BUILDING on their problem solving and presentation skills, students from across the Hunter spent six weeks with their thinking caps on as they explored a topic to present at the 2023 Thinkfest.
Held at Cessnock West Public School on Thursday, November 30, year 5 and 6 students from seven Opportunity Classes in Rutherford, Cessnock, Biraban, Tighes Hill, Jewells, Maryland and Soldiers Point, pit their problem-solving and presentation skills against each other.
The four teams from each school had a choice to explore an English, maths, Science, history or geography question or issue.
Cessnock West Public School chose the maths question 'buy the ticket, take the ride' exploring inner relation to chance.
Their presentation included a handmade spinning wheel which depicted the chance of landing on a random realm.
"Our presentation was about a little boy who went to a fair and he spun the wheel and got stuck. 10 years later his friends reunite there and end up in different realms," year 6 school captain Allira Brennan said.
Co captain Andrew Joyce said he enjoyed the art making of the back drop and props.
"I definitely enjoyed the creative process putting it together," he said.
"It was really good seeing our work come together with all of our great ideas," year 5 group member Charlotte Butchers said.
Tighes Hill Public School students chose the English topic of a Dr. Seuss quote 'Unless someone like you who cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better. It's not.'
"We chose to look at basically how bees are disappearing and people are starving and how we can solve that problem," year 5 student Edward Huttley said.
Year 6 student Celeste Hanson said she loved putting the props together and classmate Amelia Beach said it was a fun, enjoyable experience.
Cessnock West Public School Opportunity Classroom teacher Elkie Brown said there hadn't been two presentations that were similar and all were unique in their own way.
"OC kids by nature always think outside the box, you get some really interesting takes on all of those topics," she said.
"It's a fantastic opportunity for all of the OC classes across the network to come together to meet mingle with like-minded individuals. They always have a laugh and they learn as well. They see how other children think the way that they think at performing and presenting things."