Using nothing but their own brute strength, two of the UK's strongest men teamed up outside the Motorpoint Arena this afternoon (October 5) to break the 'Car Roll' World Record.
And much like the vehicle's chassis, they smashed it.
In a scene straight out of the Marvel movie franchise, passersby stopped in their tracks to watch as Mark Jeanes and Gavin Bilton flipped the full-size car 14 times in just four minutes, trouncing the previous record of 13 flips in five minutes.
"That was easy," a very out-of-breath but victorious Gavin told the crowd, "No, that was tough. My legs are burning but at the end of the day me and Mark smashed it simple as that."

A classic strongman test, the competitors took it in turns to pick the 750 kilo car up and flip it over as many times as possible.
The pair, who both come from South Wales, decided to attempt a new World Record in the run up to the Team World Strongman Championship, which lands at the arena on Sunday, November 3 and will be screened on Channel 5 in December.
The family event features two-man teams from around the world including the current World’s Strongest Man, Martins Licis of Latvia, the UK’s Strongest Man, Paul Benton and the reigning World Champions, the Lalas brothers - Vytautas and Marius, who hail from Lithuania.
At the World Championships in November the teams will be put through a series of superhuman strength tests, including holding up two cars for as long as possible, carrying a 450kg tyre Super Yoke on their shoulders and doing a 700kg/1,540lb dead-lift.

Gavin and Mark can't wait to test their mettle and show the other strongmen what they've got saying "we're not coming to make up the numbers we want the crowds to see the dragon breath fire."
An unusual career Mark says he has always enjoyed lifting large and awkward objects.
He said: "I was the go to guy. If someone needed a fridge moving then they would call me up. I got spotted at the gym and then decided to start taking it seriously."
That was 10 years ago and now the gentle giant is training up the next generation of Welsh strongmen, as well as training four times a day and eating as much as he can to maintain his 23 stone bulk.
"I eat a lot of protein and also carbs, rice, pasta... you've got to keep the fire burning," he said.
Tickets to Team World Strongman Championship are on sale now at
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