Movie week is done!
We’re back to business as usual next week AND it’s the first sub-2 hour show, which is always cause for celebration. Thank you for joining in and being excellent – you can find me on Twitter/Insta @heidistephens if you’d like to say hello or chat books/dogs/Strictly/Eurovision. Kick off next week is 6.30pm, so I’ll see you then!
Richie and Giovanni take to the floor for their final dance, to ‘I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing’ by Aerosmith.
Farewell Richie and Giovanni…
This is the stuff of nightmares, isn’t it? You’re on the Strictly dancefloor, making your farewell speech in front of millions of viewers. And you’re…NAKED. No, not this time. In tonight’s fever dream you’re dressed in a Smiffy’s Fancy Dress meerkat costume that cost £16 on Amazon. Next to you is one of Italy’s sexiest men, but he’s dressed as a warthog who’s been on a massive acorn binge.
But what a way to go, and I’m delighted for Richie that he got to live out his Strictly superfan dream, even if it was only for a few weeks.
Time for the judging!
Craig, Motsi and Anton all save Fleur and Vito, which means RICHIE AND GIOVANNI are leaving Strictly.
Meanwhile Shirley declares that she would have saved Richie, proving once again that her judging criteria is entirely unhinged.
Very happy to watch Fleur and Vito’s American Smooth again, mostly because I was so busy enjoying Fleur’s dancing and the CGI fish last night I forgot to fully appreciate Vito as Prince Eric.
OK, appreciation complete. The big question is – Vito or Giovanni? I’m torn.
It’s dance-off time!
It’s Meerkat vs. Mermaid and Richie’s up first, accompanied by Giovanni’s giant warthog belly.
This feels like when you go all-out in an elaborate costume for Halloween, then by 9pm you’re sweating and itchy and really wish you were at home in your pyjamas. The intent was good, but the regret is very real.
I know I bitch about Couple’s Choice relentlessly, but Tyler and Dianne doing a UK Garage megamix is very much my jam. Also Kym and Graziano dancing to Volare (or Nel Blu, Dipinto Di Blu, if you’re a purist) – it’s a classic of the Eurovision genre. I’m excited.
WELL. I’d argue Richie and Giovanni were overmarked for that Samba and didn’t deserve to be as high as they were – ironically that probably put them in the cursed middle, when a lower score might have mobilised the fandom.
On top of that, they were also battling AWFUL costumes that did their dance no favours. A double disaster, and I really can’t see how Richie is going to survive this – Fleur is by FAR the better dancer.
So who else is safely through to next week, and who is joining Fleur and Vito in the dance off? I suspect there are a few itchy pants up there right now.
Ellie and Nikita are back next week, along with Kym and Graziano, Tyler and Dianne, Molly and Carlos, Ellie and Johannes and Hamza and Jowita!
Which means RICHIE AND GIOVANNI are in the dance-off!
Time for a musical interlude, courtesy of pop/rock superstar Adam Lambert. He’s singing ‘Mad About The Boy’, which will feature in a Noel Coward movie/documentary coming out next year. He has a phenomenal voice and his eyeliner game is unsurpassed.
Dance-wise, Carlos and Nikita are contempo-wafting sexily. In the immortal words of Deniece Williams, let’s hear it for the boy(s).
This is a shock, and I think that must be down to the curse of the middle table, which we’ve definitely seen on Strictly before. Everyone was so busy saving their danger zone faves or the stand-out dances of the night that they forgot about the couples muddling around in the middle.
So who’s through to next week? Matt and Nadiya are safe (OK, this is going to be interesting), along with Jayde and Karen, Will and Nancy, James and Amy, Helen and Gorka and Tony and Katya! Who’s left from the bottom half of the leaderboard? Hamza?
First couple in the bottom two: FLEUR AND VITO!
OK Claudia’s spotty dress is very chic. Tess looks like human tupperware.
Last night on Strictly: a rollercoaster movie night that went on for several years.
Highlights: Some lovely ballroom, Will Mellor turning on my central heating, a fab Charleston from Tyler and Dianne, Motsi’s hair. Lowlights: Lion King costume hell, some dodgy Latin, Hamza’s Rumbasaurus, Shirley’s 8 paddle.
Tess in a skirt that looks like a blue plastic storage bin, Claudia in…actually I have no idea, I was too transfixed by Tess’s skirt.
And we’re off! After last night’s Encanto dance entreating us not to talk about Bruno (I haven’t given him a though since he left the show), tonight’s opening pro dance has an Elvis theme, because that’s the subject of the new Baz Luhrmann movie.
Keep an eye out for Gorka’s quiff wig getting another outing before it goes back in its cage. OH HAI Vito’s leather trousers.
Even the Cecil Beaton portrait wouldn’t get you a Zone 2 travelcard. If you took this episode of AR for valuation, you’d get change out of a tenner.
YES – a final gift of fifty grand’s worth of jade. The owner is playing it cool, because they belonged to her dad. That ALMOST saved this episode, but not quite.
Who fancies a bit of Strictly?
Fifteen minutes of Antiques Roadshow to go. As one of life’s optimists, I’m assuming they’re saving all the really good stuff for the end.
70s skateboards on Antiques Roadshow. I’m DANGEROUSLY close to making an indignant huffing noise.
‘There are people who think these are ferociously ugly,’ says the man holding the world’s ugliest vase. It’s worth £250, which was barely worth the trauma. Does nobody have anything nice in Hackney, other than three bottles of Johnnie Walker?
Tiny ugly heraldic figurines! DRINK! You had to collect them, like NatWest pigs for posh people.
I definitely should have included pork pie hats in the AR Bingo. Also Fiona Bruce dressed like she’s on safari.
By coincidence, I was ALSO offered the choice of a Bernard Leach pot or a painting by L.S. Lowry for my 21st birthday. But I couldn’t decide and went for Blur’s Parklife on CD instead, plus a trip to a Harvester.
In the meantime, let’s peruse the table of exciting finds on this week’s Antiques Roadshow. They’re in Hackney this week, so take a sip from your favourite vintage cigarette case for any occurrence of the following:
A man bun/beard combo
An exuberant bow tie
The word ‘figurine’
Evening all, and welcome back to the Movie Week Results Show! Tonight it’s a wrap party for another Strictly celeb and their pro partner – who will it be? My gut says Tony is safe, which leaves Matt, Ellie T, James and Hamza all in the danger zone. Join me at 7.20pm to find out!
See you back here tomorrow!
And that’s it for another Saturday on Planet Strictly – join me back here tomorrow for the Results Show at 7.20pm! Thank you for keeping me company in such a joyful way – that show felt like it went on for YEARS, but thankfully you are all marvellous. See you tomorrow! Hx
The dancing is done, and the voting is open!
Well, that was delightful chaos. After fourteen Movie Week dances, Tyler and Dianne are at the top of the leaderboard, and Matt and Nadiya and Tony and Katya are in the danger zone down the bottom. Will they face the dance-off tomorrow, or will Tony live to (sort of) dance another day? I think he might, you know.
Time for a recap! Might just go and watch Will Mellor in a dark room. Other stuff also happened.
Scores: 7,8,7,7 – a total of 29 for Jayde and Karen.
Anton has a feeling, but Craig wanted more hip action in the walks and it was flat-footed. Motsi thought it was beautiful and it’s so great to show that dancing is for everyone. Shirley thought that Jayde captured the essence of the Cha Cha – it needed more rotation but it was a brilliant way to close the show.
I mean, what’s not to love about this? Karen is a goddess, Jayde looks amazing and everything about it just feels joyous. Jayde’s leg action is all over the shop and the whole thing is stompy, but honestly, who cares? Give it an 8, everyone else has got one.

And finally, it’s Jayde and Karen!
This week they’re dancing the Cha Cha Cha to ‘What A Feeling’ from Flashdance. Obviously I’ve seen this film, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to see Jayde and Karen transform from welders by day into dancers by night. If they can manage to weave any actual Cha Cha Cha into the 80s legwarmer nostalgia, that would also be nice.
Scores: 7,8,8,8 – a total of 31 for Helen and Gorka.
Shirley thought that had beautiful content, and it’s the biggest improvement of the night. Anton really enjoyed it, the fleckerl was amazing although Helen’s line wasn’t quite right. Craig agrees on the frame and the finishes need finessing, but the routine was beautiful. Motsi thought it was simple and beautiful – well done.
A brace of terrible wigs here, please drink. But Helen’s dress is DIVINE and she’s doing a lovely job of this Viennese. She makes this look entirely effortless, and does an incredible job for someone who’s sandwiched between Tony and Jayde. Loved that.

Next up it's Helen and Gorka!
Their Movie Week choice is the Viennese Waltz to ‘Hopelessly Devoted To You’ from Grease. I love this movie and this song, but I’m afraid it was absolutely a stage musical first so you have to drink anyway.
Scores: 2,6,4,6 – a total of 18 for Tony and Katya.
Motsi wants to watch it again, and she definitely saw some Samba content. Shirley thought Tony had a good pelvic roll and she loved the glitterball underwear. Anton loved it – it was everything Strictly Come Dancing is. Craig just says ‘OMG’ and leaves it there. Probably best.
Dance ability aside, Tony Adams is an incredible sport, and I LOVE how he’s giving this both barrels and really trying to get some decent Samba moves. In parts it’s less ‘hot chocolate’ and more ‘wheelie bin of spoons outside the redundant steelworks’, but we’ve seen some TERRIBLE Sambas on Strictly over the years and that was actually pretty entertaining. A highlight of the evening.

It’s time for Tony and Katya!
Their Movie Week dance is a Samba to ‘You Sexy Thing’ from The Full Monty. This is a brilliant song from a classic British movie, and I have every hope that this Samba is going to land firmly in the ‘so bad it’s good’ territory.
Scores: 8,9,8,8 – a total of 33 for Will and Nancy.
Can we just acknowledge the range of dances that Shirley has given a score of 8 to this evening. It’s quite broad.
Craig thought they both made ballroom look sexy, it was brilliant. Motsi loved the little details and Will’s dedication to the partnership. Shirley thought it had style and sensual chemistry. Anton thought it was really terrific.
Nancy is actually carrying a watermelon, and Will has brought his Swayze hips to the Dirty Dancing party. I have NO IDEA if this actually counts as an American Smooth but it’s really sexy and I’m here for it. Bit warm in here, no?

Who's next? It's Will and Nancy!
Their Movie Week choice is the American Smooth to ‘Cry To Me’ from Dirty Dancing. Obviously I’ve seen this film, probably more than any other film, now I think about it. I’m very here for Will unleashing his inner Patrick Swayze, albeit I’m a firm believer that it should always be in a Latin capacity.
Scores: 6,7,7,7 – a total of 27 for Ellie S and Nikita.
If I disappear at any point it’s because I’m having a few tech issues – please talk amongst yourselves and I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Anton agrees with me (woo) – he loved the energy but the footwork wasn’t great. Craig thought the timing was off at the beginning and the middle but he loved the choreography. Motsi enjoyed Ellie’s personality but the nerves got to Ellie today. Shirley agrees that Ellie needs to continue to work on her footwork, but Nikita makes her shine.
Very much enjoying Nikita with a ‘tache, and Ellie looks AMAZING in that wig (drink). Lovely footwork from Ellie in this Quickstep – it all goes a bit awry in the middle section but the energy is fabulous and I smiled all the way through that.

It’s Ellie S and Nikita!
Their Movie Week choice is the Quickstep to ‘Peppy and George’ from The Artist. I’ve never seen this film (drink) but I do know it was French, largely silent and won a truckload of awards; three factors that render it instantly exhausting.
How are there still five couples left? This episode is longer than Titanic.
Scores: 4,6,6,6 – a total of 22 for James and Amy.
Shirley liked how James got his body in a central line and she felt very proud. Anton liked the groove but the timing was a bit cranky, but Craig thought it was flat-footed and had no hip action. Motsi could see that James was having fun and WANTS to dance, but the development of his movement needs more time.
James is wearing some kind of motorbike pleathers, and Amy is a sexy punk alien. Look, I have no idea, but what I CAN tell you is that hip thrusting does not belong in a Cha Cha Cha and I’m quite tired now. Sorry, not my cup of Latin tea.

It’s James and Amy!
This week they’re dancing the Cha Cha Cha to ‘Hooked On A Feeling’ from Guardians of the Galaxy. I’ve never seen this film (drink) – I’m assuming it’s superhero comic book thing, and that the song is the same ‘ooga chaka’ Hooked On A Feeling.
I can’t quite align these two factors with a Cha Cha Cha, but to be honest the whole concept of Strictly Movie Week is a bonkers fever dream so we just have to embrace it.
Ooh, more Eurovision in the VT! All my worlds are colliding.
Scores: 6,8,7,8 – a total of 29 for Fleur and Vito. The scores this evening are WILD.
Motsi is looking for more of the details to make it flow, but Fleur is one of the most talented people she’s seen on this show. Shirley loved how sensual and feminine and graceful Fleur was – she’s starting to see some consistency. Anton loved the serenity and calmness, but wants Fleur to slide when she’s going backwards. Craig thought it was a bit haphazard and needed more flow, but there were some really lovely moments.
They’ve really gone to town on the CGI this week, haven’t they? Fleur looks gorgeous, and despite her worries this American Smooth has a lovely quality. Some fabulous lifts too, and a lovely connection between Fleur and Vito in this dance.
I’m singing along. Come on, we’re all singing along? Right?

It’s Fleur and Vito!
This week they’re dancing the American Smooth to ‘Part Of Your World’ from The Little Mermaid. My favourite song from one of my favourite Disney films, even if the whole premise of giving up your voice to win the love of a man is problematic on several levels.
Scores: 9,10,109 – a total of 38 for Tyler and Dianne.Oh for goodness sake. It’s Week 3, can we not?
Craig thought it was FAB-U-LUSS. Motsi loved the lack of empty spaces in the routine – it was amazing. Shirley thought it was a fantastic performance on every level, and Anton agrees – Dianne is clearly having the time of her life and it was brilliant.
A few minor timing issues in this Charleston, but Tyler is bringing ALL the energy and he has a lovely swivel – that ankle spin was INCREDIBLE. A great routine – loved that.

Next up it's Tyler and Dianne!
This week they’re dancing the Charleston to ‘Flash, Bang, Wallop!’ from Half a Sixpence. This was obviously a musical first (drink), but I vaguely remember watching the 1967 Tommy Steele movie at some point in the 80s. It was made around the same time as Oliver! - such a bumper period for lovers of the ‘Cor Blimey Orphan’ musical genre.
Scores: 3,6,5,7 – a total of 21 for Matt and Nadiya.
Anton thought it was a huge improvement but a bit loose in the frame – Matt is a ballroom boy struggling to get out. Craig thought Matt’s frame definitely needs work, but he loved the energy and the storytelling. Motsi saw improvement and she felt Matt put his heart on that dancefloor. Shirley thought it was quite flat-footed but the frame was definitely better.
The ankle fog is back! Not a HUGE fan of those beige slacks, and I’m not sure Matt’s frame is military issue either. There’s a bit too much rise and fall in this Viennese and the floor spin looked a bit heavy, but a big improvement on last week.

It's time for Matt and Nadiya!
They’re dancing the Viennese Waltz to ‘Hold My Hand’ from Top Gun: Maverick. YES, I have seen this film, in fact it’s the only time I’ve been to the cinema in the past two years, which is why we’re all getting a bit drunk. This song was Lady Gaga and I absolutely love it.
Scores: 4,6,5,6 – a total of 21 for Ellie T and Johannes.
Shirley thought Ellie was adding things to her basket (no, me neither), but her weight was in the wrong place and she needs to lose the heel leads. Anton thought there was a lot to like but there is a ‘fundamental down-below flaw’. Craig thought it looked stompy, but he loved watching her. Motsi loved the timing and transitions, Ellie just needs to work on the technique.
HUGE drink for that beehive wig, but I’m afraid this Cha Cha is a little stiff in places. I love Ellie’s personality but if you’re going to do a Cher Cha Cha you really need to unleash your sexy hip and leg action – this has shoop with a small ‘s’. Outfit of the night so far, however.

Who's next? It’s Ellie T and Johannes!
This week they’re dancing the Cha Cha Cha to ‘The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss)’ from Mermaids. I definitely saw this film on a date in 1990, but I’m ashamed to say I can’t remember who the date was with. Does that mean the film was good, or the date was boring? I can’t remember that either.
Scores: 5,7,6,7 – a total of 25 for Hamza and Jowita.
Motsi was worried, but she saw some nice arms even though it needed more resistance. Shirley liked the ease of movement but it needed more finish and body action. Anton liked the control but Hamza gets a bit safe and it needed more flow. Craig thought it was too placed and it needed more expression – it was a bit dull.
There’s no denying this is a gorgeous piece of music, but I’m struggling to align this dance with a movie about being hunted down by ferocious predators. Hamza needs to stop being a pole for Jowita to dance around and run for his life.
Weird staging aside, this isn’t the worst Rumba we’ve ever seen. I don’t want to watch it AGAIN, obviously, but I definitely spotted some Rumba hips. And a CGI pterodactyl.

Next up, it's Hamza and Jowita!
This week they’re dancing the Rumba to the Theme from Jurassic Park, which isn’t a sentence I ever imagined typing. BE VERY AFRAID.
I’ve seen this film, but apparently Hamza hasn’t, so drink anyway. Also drink because it’s the only way we’re going to get through a Sexy Dinosaur Rumba in Week 3.
Scores: 7,9,8,9 – CRYING at Shirley giving that the same score as Richie’s meerkat Samba.
Craig wanted Kym to energise each move to make it live a bit better and she needs to spot her turns better, but this was Kym’s best dance. Motsi thought Kym was a shining star – it had style and personality. Shirley agreed it was Kym’s best performance and Anton thought it was pure musical movie magic – he loved every second.
Kym gives this one hell of an opening, and it’s dances like this where the actors on Strictly really come into their own. It’s a fun routine with great energy from Kym – the best we’ve seen from her by a long way, despite the dreadful wig (drink). Lovely work.

It’s time for Kym and Graziano!
Their Movie Week choice is the Charleston to ‘If My Friends Could See Me Now’ from Sweet Charity. I haven’t seen this movie, because honestly, who has? It’s a stage musical, and frankly Strictly are just trolling us now.
Scores: 8,9,9,8 – a total of 34 for Molly and Carlos.
Anton thought Molly was beautiful to watch, her footwork was very good but he wanted to see more in hold. Craig thought it was absolutely magnificent and gawjus. Motsi loved the simplicity, it touched her. Shirley thought it was beautiful – congratulations.
Can we just take a moment to celebrate Motsi and Shirley’s outfits this week? Also Motsi’s hair, which is almost certainly providing a wi-fi boost in the studio.
Well this is lovely – Molly is a beautiful dancer and there’s a lovely connection between her and Carlos. And after the opening chaos, very happy to see a simple and elegant Waltz done well. Enjoyed that very much.

Next up it’s Molly and Carlos!
Their Movie week choice is the Waltz to ‘One Hand, One Heart’ from West Side Story.
I’ve seen the 1961 movie of the original STAGE MUSICAL (drink), but apparently there was a Spielberg movie version of it last year that entirely passed me by. So drink three times, or something.
Scores: 5,7,8,7 – a total of 27 for Richie and Giovanni.
Shirley thought there was a lot of content and she loved the bounce. Anton thought Richie is getting control over his energy, and he needs to keep going. Craig thought it lacked fluidity but he loved the characterisation. Motsi loved the energy and it was fun.
I mean, what is this? If there WAS any hip action, you wouldn’t be able to see it in that costume. Richie’s footwork is probably fine but I can’t actually look at anything other than Gio’s warthog belly. There’s definitely some Samba moves, but Richie’s fringed merkin has ended me. Hakuna whatever.

First up tonight it’s Richie and Giovanni!
Their Movie Week choice is the Samba to ‘Hakuna Matata’ from The Lion King, which I’ve seen hundreds of times because it was my son’s favourite childhood film. It means no worries, but I think we’re all a bit worried about Richie’s ability to deliver a serviceable Samba whilst dressed as a meerkat, and whether even Gio can pull off a sexy warthog. Will probably re-write this sentence later.
Can’t help noticing that the background music to this training sequence is James Newman’s ill-fated 2021 Eurovison entry. Hopefully this routine won’t also score nil points.
Out come the stars!
Notable costumes include Fleur’s tasteful clam bra, Gorka’s quiff and Giovanni dressed as a warthog. It’s going to be a long night.
Tess black sequins , Claudia in grey sequins. Like a very low-key Christmas. Their dedication to boot cut flares this year is impressive.

We get a bonus treat of an extra pro dance this evening, because it’s our first Feem Week of the season. There will be at least three others.
This has an Encanto theme, which was an animated Disney film that came out last year. I found it a bit hectic, personally, but I suspect I’m not the target audience. Some fabulous tunes, though.
I’ve actually seen this film, and I have no idea what’s going on. If you haven’t seen this film, I imagine this is possibly the most bizarre Strictly dance ever.

And we’re off! Ah, how I’ve missed VTs featuring dreadful acting and complex plots. Can we not just watch celebrities who haven’t found their feet yet attempt to dance in shonky wigs and daft costumes?
Let’s play Strictly Come Bingo – movie week edition!
Take a slurp of Slush Puppie for any occurrence of the following:
Movies I’ve never seen, with a bonus sip if you’ve also never seen it
Movies that were actually stage musicals first and thus belong in Musicals Week. I will continue to endure a slow death on this hill for as long as it takes
Oversized props
Dreadful wigs
Smell the fart acting
Heidi's Hunches - Week 3 reshuffle!
There’s been a few changes in Heidi’s Hunches this week, based on last week’s performances and a sense of impending dread around some of this week’s dance/music combos. A demotion for Hamza, whose Jurassic Rumba could see him stranded on dance-off island. And Matt’s in a risky spot too after being in the bottom two last week – can a Top Gun Viennese save him?
Driving for December: Will and Nancy, Ellie S and Nikita, Helen and Gorka, Tyler and Dianne
Battling for Blackpool: Molly and Carlos, Fleur and Vito, Ellie T and Johannes, Kym and Graziano
Happy to see Halloween: Richie and Giovanni, Jayde and Karen, Hamza and Jowita
Dodging the dance-off: James and Amy, Matt and Nadiya, Tony and Katya
It’s Strictly Movie Week!
Evening all, and welcome back to WEEK 3 of Strictly Come Dancing, which is also our first theme week of the season. Historically Movie Week can be a cinema-sized bucket of pick ‘n’ mix – you start with high expectations, but ultimately it’s all a bit messy and disappointing. That said, in recent years I’ve come into it expecting it to be dreadful, then ended up having a lovely time. So maybe less pick ‘n’ mix and more Top Gun: Maverick.
Kick off is at 6.30 – bring popcorn, a giant bingo beverage bucket, and someone to snog on the back row during the slow bits. See you after the trailers!