Thank you and goodnight
Phew, what a final. High-standard hoofing. Gripping and tense but the right outcome, I think.
That concludes tonight’s liveblog but please feel free to continue the cha-cha-chat in the comments section. And thanks for being so friendly, funny and fascinating all series. Queen Heidi’s were big sparkly dancing shoes to fill but you couldn’t have been more welcoming.
Hopefully see you on Christmas Day for a ballroom Babycham. In the meantime, I’m @michaelhogan on the platform formerly known as Twitter, so feel free to say hi and give me a follow. Each day, I post TV and film recommendations for that evening, much like those on this blog.
Thanks so much for watching along with me this year. Merry choreographic Christmas and a happy hoofing New Year. And, of course, for the final time this series: keeeeeep dancing!
Vito is a worthy pro champion
This was Italian stallion Vito Coppola’s second final in two years, after finishing runner-up with Fleur East in his debut season. And what a perfect partner for Ellie Leach he was.
Vito didn’t just teach her impeccable technique, he taught her to believe in herself and in return, Ellie turned into the perfect student. Together they became a dynamic, endearing and ultimately winning couple. Ellie’s growth in both dance ability and self-confidence is pretty much the dream ticket.
Voluble Vito, with his animal analogies and Italian cuisine metaphors, can claim a lot of the credit. Parmigiana and prosecco all round on Sunday?

Bobby made a late surge for title
In other years, EastEnders boy wonder Bobby Brazier might well have won. He was unfortunate to find himself up against two even more brilliant dancers in Layton Williams and Ellie Leach.
He came into this final as the lowest overall scorer, a double dance-off survivor and the bookies’ rank outsider. Yet Bobby shone when it mattered. His laidback exterior disguised a fierce competitor who hit top form at the right time. He danced into the final with a 38-point quickstep, then bettered it with a hat-trick of 39-point dances in the final. He substantially improved both his reprised dances. His samba entertained, his Couple’s Choice moved but it was that La La Land showdance which really wowed.
Bobby’s achievement shouldn’t be underestimated. Unlike his fellow finalists, he had no dance experience whatsoever. He’d never even seen Strictly before he was on it. This year’s youngest contestant became the youngest ever male finalist.
The fact that he came so close to the glitterball trophy is testament to his hard graft and consistency, not dropping below 30 since week three. He grew from an ingenue into a real Bobby dazzler. A star is born. Don’t be surprised if he makes it to La La Land in real life too.

Layton was a winner in all but name
Layton Williams was the best dancer in the contest. A little too good, as it ultimately turned out. With his stage school background and musical theatre experience, there were “ringer” rumblings right from the start. These only got louder as the series progressed, which hardly felt fair.
Layton didn’t cast himself in Strictly. He’s not trained in ballroom, Latin or partner dancing. He certainly didn’t deserve the vicious trolling that came his way, especially when it spilled over into vile racist and homophobic abuse. He showed remarkable resilience and class to rise above it, let alone continue to bring so much energy and sass.
This was a far better series for having Layton in it. He’s not just a thrilling dancer who was magical and joyous to watch. He also raised the standard of those around him. His pro partner Nikita Kuzmin was clearly inspired by his “brother” and raised his choreographic game. Ellie Leach also upped the ante to keep pace with him. It often felt like these two were in their own private competition, with the rest a distant third.
He scored so many maximums, he was nicknamed “Lay-ten” - 31 perfect scores in total, including four perfect 40s. He topped the leaderboard eight weeks out of 12. Layton is one of the highest scorers in Strictly history, up there with Alesha Dixon and Ashley Roberts - another celebrity who didn’t win because a perceived head start meant she lacked viewer support.
Layton can take comfort from the fact that despite surviving the dance-off and suffering a backlash, he deservedly lasted the whole series and was the standout performer in the final. He’s danced his way out of a Bury council estate, into the West End and all the way to the Strictly final. He pushed boundaries, experimented with lead-swapping and was Strictly’s first male celebrity to dance in a dress. Strictly’s wait for its first same-sex winners goes on but Layton is a born star and a true entertainer.

It wasn't Ellie's final - but it was her series
Wow, what a three months it’s been for Ellie Leach. She arrived in the contest as a largely unfancied contender, fresh from the Corrie cobbles. Under the smart tutelage of Italian pro Vito Coppola - with whom she formed a strong partnership (and rumoured showmance) - the 22-year-old has blossomed before her eyes.
The pocket rocket performer now oozes confidence, both as a dancer and as a young woman. Vito not only taught her self-belief but instilled impeccable technique, meaning she could do it all.
Having started quietly, she came out of her shell to become a storyteller of real style - fierce in Latin and full of poise in ballroom, fearlessly flinging herself into ambitious choreography and daring lifts. Ellie became the best all-rounder in the contest, a versatile dancer equally strong in ballroom and Latin, She kept her standard remarkably high, not scoring below 35 since week 4, leading to Shirley Ballas dubbing her “Miss Consistency”.
She and Vito were a dynamic pairing with great chemistry and their enjoyment of dance was infectious. They were the contest’s second highest scorers overall, topping the leaderboard four times in 12 weeks. She was outshone in the final by the boys, sure, mainly due to that bungled showdance lift but she also notched her first perfect 40 at last.
I think we got the right glitterball winner. The cherry on the cake. The top of the iceberg. The spectacular-est of the tentaculous. Bravo.

Finally, on our new champion, shazza2704 says: “My favourites won and bonus of the lovely talented Olly announcing his entry at Eurovision next year. My Christmas has truly arrived early”
RoniOh says: “Only Vito could say it’s the cherry on the cake and the iceberg, and have Strictlyites understand every word. Well done Ellie. So well done.”
emilyscatnaps says: “I’m so thrilled for Ellie and Vito - and how lovely to see the other finalists pile in so happily as well. Congratulations to all involved, I LOVE YOU ALL!”
MikeMoonlight adds on our new champion: “Finally, the great British public get the hang of this ‘voting’ lark. Let’s hope it stays that way till next year.”
Not sure but I *think* he wants Sir Keir Starmer to win Strictly 2024. You heard it here first.

On that Class of 2023 reunion dance, avenueman says: “I always love the final celeb dance in the final. Not only is it a reminder of past celeb glories (Krishnan!) but some plonker always gets winched down from the ceiling to disguise their lack of dance ability. Hello Les!”
Definitely not nul points
On that surprise Eurovision announcement, Somersetlass says: “Olly Alexander for Eurovision! I just terrified the cat by cheering. What a perfect choice.”
Briggybum adds: “Just booked Eurovision week off. Woop woop!”
On tonight’s musical guest, avenueman says: “I love Cher. She’s been around so long, she’s like a national monument. Like the Statue of Liberty but with less facial movement.
NHSfan says: “Cher? I thought it was Stephen Hawking’s voice machine.”
Bigted1980 adds: “Cher giving Speak ‘n’ Spell realness.”

As for Layton Williams – amazing dancer and one for the “lost winners list” – TeeDubyaBee says: “Layton & Nikita are so in sync now. Used to get the feel of a pro dance battle but not now.”
jagadox says: “Whether Layton wins or not, whether he’s a ringer or not, his partnership with Nikita has thrown down a marker as to what a same-sex couple can do. And it has been pretty epic.”
acanthe says of Layton’s quickstep: “That’s definitely one of my favourite dances of this series, possibly any series. Really glad the judges chose it.”
Owbeck says: “Nikita let the side down at the end, lol. Lots of fun from Layton, as expected. But I think the purists might prefer Bobby’s showdance of the three.”
MarvellousMavis says: “Another proper showdance! Fab U Lous. Layton wins best dancer of the night, even if he doesn’t win the trophy.”
Lidoswimmer says: “Ooh, this Arentine tango was probably the best dance of the series.”
RoniOh adds: “I have love, love, loved watching Layton and Nikita’s friendship develop during this show. Yes it’s about the daaaahnce but it’s also about the relationships and the sparkle. Nikita has just blossomed in his partnership with Layton; the creativity has been off the charts. Layton has brought out a Nikita we never really saw.”

O come all ye sparkly
The next hoofing date in our diaries is the all-star Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special on BBC1 at 4.40pm on Christmas Day. There won’t be a full liveblog because, probably like you, I’ll be covered in pine needles and Quality Street wrappers.
However, we will publish an article and have an open comments thread, so our lovely sparkly community can discuss it live. Please rejoin me then for festive fabulousness.
Some of your comments on Bobby Brazier now. Lidoswimmer says: “Enjoying the change in Bobby who started out so laidback, he was almost horizontal - not unusual for a guy of his age - but now he’s just gone full into the Strictly experience, shaking his welly and loving the blow dry.”
NanaNootka says: “Well, that Bobby samba has clinched it for me. There’s a lot to be said for watching a dance and smiling from ear to ear ! They are the couple I look forward to the most. Awesome! What a charmer!”
Gardener_Maidhc says: “Bobby and Dianne’s showdance, old Hollywood musical style, is easily his best dance of the show.”
JoMK73 says: “Oh, Bobby’s showdance was great fun. Not over-reliant on tricks and lifts. Plenty of folks like LaLaLand and the music was light and lovely. Really suited him. People will like that, I think. Nice one, Dianne.”
About their Couple’s Choice, Somersetlass adds: “Both Bobby and Diane in tears throughout that. To be able to express that kind of emotion through dance is a real talent.”

More dance delights on TV tonight
Don your sparkliest frock or tightest trousers. Viewers can now flip to the Disco Night on BBC2, Bradley Walsh: My Comedy Heroes on Channel 5 or stay tuned to BBC1 for the Survivor final.
Film-wise at 9pm, there’s Saving Private Ryan on Channel 4, Working Girl on ITVBe, Love Actually on Sky Showcase or the mighty Dirty Dancing on 5Star. Nobody puts Baby (or indeed Dianne Buswell) in the corner.

On our new champion Ellie Leach, avenueman says: “Craig getting genuinely emotional over Ellie’s dance moved me. Usually he’s so reserved, even cold, in his judging but not here. God forbid he ever leaves the show as for me IS Strictly with his realistic judging and commentary.”
SparklingDormouse says of Ellie’s showdance: “Too many lifts - although fab. Lots of dance steps as well. Great go, shame about the slight loss of technique. Brilliant attitude in the dance! Overall - loved it.”
TallulahBankhead says: “I think Ellie is an amazing dancer, I think it’s a shame that they did more tricksy lifts than dancing steps. And obviously took a risk too many.”
VictoriasSecret says of Ellie’s American smooth: “Well, that was just delicious. Ellie’s best dance of the night. I enjoyed this enormously first time out and the encore was just lovely.”
Rufusonly says: “Wow. Real bona fide ballroom dancing on Strictly. Ellie’s conclusion was class. Favourite dance of the night.”
fihema says: :”That was a joy from Ellie. She has really made me smile throughout, and with that dance in particular. Ear to ear enjoyment. Thank you, Ms L. As for Vito, what an addition to the show, these last two years.
HelenaHandcart adds: “Vito: ‘I have no words’ Five minutes later & he’s still going! He’s a joy.”

Readers' verdicts are in
Here’s a round-up of your feedback on the final. On that show-opening group number, Owbeck says: “Lovely to see Amy in the group dance, already dusty at my place.”
EmmyHarb adds: “You can tell it’s the final show. Vicky Gill has run out of material to finish the pros’ outfits!”
The Golden Glitterballs: grand final edition
Who needs the actual glitterball trophy when there’s our weekly awards for the best, worst and daftest? Here are the last gong-getters of the series…
Best dance: Tough to call on a night of three 40s and five 39s. Bobby’s showdance was lovely and Ellie’s American smooth razzle-dazzled but Layton’s quickstep marginally clinches it for me.
Worst dance: It was all ridiculously high standard. The only slight dip was Ellie’s showdance due to those muffed lifts. Sorry, champ.
Best music choice: Loreen or Faithless. Both bangers.
Worst music choice: The trad tunes beat the megamixes, let’s put it that way.
Best outfit: A festive three-way tie between Motsi Mabuse, Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman. All suitably sparkly.
Worst outfit: The monochrome outfits in the opening group dance were a bit like a Studio Line ad. Spritz! Gel! Mousse! Random saxophone!
Best judges’ comment: “To be honest with you, it was just showing off” – Anton to Layton.
Worst VT: Those unconvincing judgely debates over what would be the panel’s pick. As if they and the producers hadn’t already decided.
Best Claudia quip: As Ellie and Vito gallantly dedicated their achievements to each other, she briskly jollied them along with “We haven’t got time for an argument”.
By the way, that disco song over the closing credits was Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet by Gonzalez from 1979. Not to be confused with the Stock Aitken Waterman-produced Pat Sharp and Mick Brown version a decade later, naturally. Perish the thought.
Credits roll. Champion crowned
So there we have it. Ellie Leach becomes the 21st Strictly Come Dancing champion (and the eighth actor to triumph). Her dance partner Vito Coppola wins the coveted title in his second series.
As everyone gets their breath back and brushes the glitter off their shoulders, please stay with us for analysis, reaction and a round-up of your comments.
Ellie’s family nearly fall over with shock in the studio audience. Vito is more tearful than she is but makes time for last endearingly rambly speech. Sparks fly and confetti falls as they lift that gaudy but fabled glitterball trophy. Everyone descends on the dancefloor for cuddles and leaping about. Ellie and Vito are hoisted shoulder high.

Ellie is the winner
Ellie Leach and her pro partner Vito Coppola are announced as the 2023 champions.

Glitterball winners about to be revealed
Shut the front door. Hold the phone. Prevent the dog from barking with the juicy bone. Time for tension-building and long… pauses…. as we find out who… are the Strictly 2023 champions. Ready?
A lengthy VT to keep us hanging on. Strictly fans across the UK tell us why they love the show and pick out their favourites *taps watch, does ‘get on with it’ gesture*. Gratuitous bagpipes klaxon!
Krishan Guru-Murthy is having the time of his life. Les Dennis is rocking the boat again. Eddie Kadi is doing a Men In Black sequel. Bit of Chic.
And, of course, the moment that everyone was waiting for: Angela Rippon’s amazing levitating leg. Everyone gets to dance with their pro partners again. Confetti fals. It’s organised chaos on that crowded dancefloor but infectious fun and a lovely reminder of what a belting series it’s been.
Class of 2023 reunion dance
Another traditional highlight of the final now. This year’s eliminated contestants return for a special celebratory group number - bar actress Amanda Abbingdon, sadly, who withdrew for personal reasons in week five and rather seems to have been erased from Strictly history. Or “snubbed Strictly”, as the tabloids insist on putting it.
It’s set to a disco medley of Booty Luv, Stardust, 5ive and Junior Senior. Angela Scanlon is back in her Charleston hat. Adam Thomas and Luba Mushtuk are streetdancing on chairs. Nigel Harman is still recovering from that rib injury, so he’s taking it easy, wincing through the pain like a brave soldier.
Class of 2023 incoming
They’re about to assemble for the group dance but first, we get a misty-eyed VT looking back at this year’s hoofing highlights.
Cher is in the house
Musical interlude now as the mighty Cher, looking fab-ew-lous at 77, croons her brilliantly on-the-nose festive single DJ Play A Christmas Song. Banger. Your move, Mickey Bubbles.
Hoofing accompaniment is provided by six of the Strictly pros. Kai Widdrington seems to be fanboying all on his own and who can blame him? Gypsies, tramps and thieves, that’s who.

A recap of all nine of tonight’s routines on-screen now. Those celebrities must be thoroughly cream-crackered. Epsom Salts baths and lie-ins all round tomorrow, I reckon.
Olly Alexander is doing Eurovision
The Years & Years frontman and It’s A Sin star is on the Ts&Cs and casually drops the news that he’s representing the UK in Eurovision 2024. HUGE. “Sweden!” yells Claudia, like a glittery Braveheart.
Final leaderboard in full
The judges’ scores are just for guidance, of course. It’s the public vote alone which will decide the result. But here’s how they stand after all three scores are combined:
Layton and Nikita - 40 + 39 + 40 = 119 points
Bobby and Dianne - 39 + 39 + 39 = 117 points
Ellie and Vito - 39 + 36 + 40 = 115 points
Judges’ scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 40 points. He’s dropped just one point across three dances and is top of the leaderboard with 119 out of 120.

Judges’ comments for Layton and Nikita: Shirley says “last dance of the series, you’re larger than life and grand, you’ve totally inspired me”. Anton says “you’ve been extraordinary throughout the whole series and wonderful tonight”. Craig simply says “better”. Motsi concludes “thank you for a wonderful series, we’ve never had a dancer like you, you’re a role model to many and there are bigger things to come, you can never shut off a light like yours”. I suspect another perfect 40 is hoving into view.

Layton and Nikita’s Argentine tango
The pros chanted for this to get a 40 last time but Craig didn’t get the memo and it scored 39. Can they get that extra point this time? They’re in purple tailored suits on a darkening purple ink set. It’s an intense story about a messy break-up. Precise steps, intricate moves, push-and-pull storytelling. A stripped-back feel full of chemistry and connection. Viscerally passionate, mesmerising and bombastic. Incredible shapes, lifts and lines. Not too shabby for Nikita’s first ever Argentine tango on Strictly, huh? Lost timing at one point early on but otherwise pretty flawless. Strong finish.
Song: Tattoo by Loreen. The electro-pop ballad which provided the Swedish diva’s second Eurovision win just six months ago. Loreen became the only two-time winner after Ireland’s legendary Johnny Logan.

Judges’ scores: 9, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 39 points. All three of his dances have scored the same.

Judges’ comments for Bobby and Dianne: Motsi says “that was really beautiful, I’m glad we got to experience it again, this dance means so much, I’m speechless”. Shirley says “not a dry eye in the place, I felt love for your family, loss is always in your heart, you dance from the right place, beautiful work Dianne, team extraordinaire”. An emotional Anton says “an incredible moment, you’re a gorgeous boy, I wish you the best and hope you have magical career”. Craig concludes “that’s what the arts is all about” and gives him an ovation. Tearful tens all round?

Bobby and Dianne’s Couple’s Choice
They’ve chosen their emotive routine from week 10, which was dedicated to Bobby’s late mother Jade Goody and reduced head judge Shirley to tears (again). Can they recapture that emotion? Contemporary fusion with modern ballroom touches. Sublime heartfelt storytelling. It scored 37 points last time, including their first 10. Craig wanted to see more expression and emotion in Bobby’s torso and hands. Can he improve that and increase that score? A slight fluff with the floor-slide and leaps lack shape but full of feeling. Bobby is earful at the end. Dad Jeff in tears, obv.
Song: This Woman’s Work by Maxwell. The R&B artist’s Kate Bush cover. The 1988 original was about childbirth and written for John Hughes-directed romcom She’s Having A Baby. Bush directed the video herself and it starred actor Tim “Lord Percy/Captain Darling” McInnerny. Watch it on YouTube. You’ll cry.
Judges’ scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 40 points. We’ve been expecting you, Ms Leach. A lovely moment.

Judges’ comments for Ellie and Vito: Craig says “it’s been wonderful to see you grow and develop, you ooze confidence and beam, and it makes me proud, you are fab-ew-lous”. Motsi says “you’ve gone from star to superstar, that was sensational, made a little mistake but you let it go”. An emotional Shirley says “you’ve gone from shy young lady to flawless dancer and bundle of joy”. An equally wobbly-lipped Anton concludes “my favourite of all your dances, elegant, courageous and committed”. A 39? Or could she finally get her first 40?
Ellie and Vito’s American smooth
They’ve opted to reprise their dance from the midway mark of the contest - the first time that the judges described Ellie as finalist material. A showstopper of a tune. Ellie’s back in her evening gloves and feathered red Ginger Rogers dress, set against an art deco backdrop. It’s full of jazzy flourishes, lovely flowing lifts and Hollywood glamour. Ellie says it’s a routine that “feels expensive” and I know what she means. They scored 39 for it in week seven. Can she go one better? Craig picked up on some missed heel leads, so they’ve been working hard in training to correct that.
Song: Ain’t That A Kick In The Head by Robbie Williams. The Robster’s swinging cover of Dean Martin’s Rat Pack classic, originally written for 1960 film Ocean’s 11. As I said back in November, just be thankful it’s not the Westlife version.

With one dance to go, Layton Williams is in the lead with 79 points out of 80. Bobby Brazier one behind on 78. Ellie Leach in third with 75 points. But it’s the public vote that counts, of course.
Judges’ scores: 9, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 39 points. Motsi laughing at Craig the party pooper.

Judges’ comments for Layton and Nikita: Another long ovation. Anton makes noises and says “to be honest, it’s showing off”. Craig says “it did lose synchronicity but the audience will go mad for that”. Motsi says “I’m speechless, you let go and said this is me, take it or leave it, baby”. Shirley concludes “magic is in the mix, you came in as a great dancer, I loved how hard you’ve worked to perfect your skills and partnership, inspiring and phenomenal, be proud”. Yet another 39-pointer, do we reckon?
Layton and Nikita’s showdance
Gold sparkly trousers and black velvet gloves, exactly like I’m wearing as I type. It’s a spectacular theatrical number, symbolising and celebrating their friendship. Acrobatic tumble-turn. Flips, lifts and tricks. Hat and hankie-ography. Jazzy Cabaret feel. Nikita getting a lot of screen time – bad camerawork? Pyrotechnics and a high kicking finish but Nikita drops his hat at the end. Funny how it was the pro who made the mistake.
Song: Friend Like Me by Ne-Yo. The R&B star’s cover of the late Robin Williams’ song from Disney’s Aladdin. Alison Hammond and the much-missed Aljaž Škorjanec performed a Charleston to it back in series 12.

Judges’ scores: 9, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 39 points. Same as his first dance.

Judges’ comments for Bobby and Dianne: Bobby thanks his parents in the crowd. An emotional Shirley says “homage to Hollywood, tricks and highlights, great chemistry, you bring joy and I loved it”. Anton says “stylish and sophisticated, maturity, you’re a feelgood dancer, Hollywood would be lucky to have you”. Craig says “loved the concept and choreography, brilliant, you dance naturally, joy, to watch”. Motsi concludes “you’re the Usain Bolt of the quickstep, incredible speed and quality, you bring the audience with you and you can’t buy that talent”. Nines and 10s again?
Bobby and Dianne’s showdance
Slow solo dressing room opening, then we go up a gear. Goofy gag with a Craig photograph. Bobby says this routine is “a cardio workout”. The mix of styles includes ballroom, jazz and even a bit of tap. It’s sweet, joyous, fast and full-on, themed around Bobby getting to Hollywood and achieving his dreams. He needs to keep compact and stay on time. Tripod-ography. He’s using his acting skills and this feels like it belongs on Broadway. High performance with loads going on. Maybe feels more Movie Week than showdance but bags of charm and uplifting as hell.
Song: La La Land medley. The Oscar-winning City Of Stars is to the fore in this mash-up of tunes from Damien Chazelle’s 2016 musical romance about a jazz pianist and an aspiring actress falling in love.

Judges’ scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 for a total of 36 points. Lowest score of the night so far.

Judges’ comments for Ellie and Vito: Motsi gives her a standing ovation says “you had the courage to take risks, even if there was a little something”. Shirley says “one of the most difficult routine I’ve seen you started off outstanding and slick, one tiny hiccup at the end but amazing how you saved it, if I had a 20 paddle, you’d be getting that”. Anton says “commitment and courage in abundance, you gave it your all and left nothing out there”. Craig concludes “shame about the last lift, otherwise it was flawless, the beauty of live TV. I was thinking back to series one. Imagine Natasha Kaplinksy doing that. How far this programme has come”.

Ellie’s upset because of that mistake at the end, Vito reassures her it’s OK.
Ellie and Vito’s showdance
First showdance of the night now. Virtual reality projections of a purple palazzo. A Latin-flavoured number, with elements of rumba, Argentine tango and paso doble, plus flashes of waltz and foxtrot. It’s their most challenging choreography yet. They’re taking risks with those cart-wheeling lifts and drops. Fast and full-on. A bit too fast in places with Ellie throwing away some moves and lumpy landings. Floor work. Sparks fall. Oof.
Song: Jennifer Lopez mash-up. J-Lo is a big favourite of Ellie’s, especially her 2011 club banger On The Floor, featuring the bafflingly ubiquitous Pitbull.

Voting is… drum roll please… open!
The public vote is announced and the usual prop-laden pandemonium kicks off in the Clauditorium. Novelty glasses! Glitterballs! Get voting!
Gladiators on the Ts&Cs
Four of the new muscle-bound Gladiators from the BBC’s reboot appear to read the smallprint. Lycra and jiggling pecs ahoy. Contenders ready? You will go on my first whistle.
Judges’ scores: 10 (whoop), 10, 10, 10 for a total of 40 points. His third maximum in the last four dances.

Judges’ comments for Layton and Nikita: Great reception in the studio. Craig deadpans “your ballroom has been no good but you did that brilliantly”. Motsi says “it touches me, that version couldn’t be better”. Shirley says “footwork and frame improved, head position clear, closed work phenomenal”. Anton concludes “beautifully line, your ballroom is now amazing, great sweep and divine musicality”. Could he get his third 40? Or will it be another 39?

Layton and Nikita’s quickstep
The quickstep is a popular choice in Strictly finals because it has real wow factor and tends to score well. This is from way back in week two - the earliest in the competition from which we’ll see a dance tonight. It’s a beautifully choreographed Broadway number, full of flashy flourishes, suave details and Prohibition-era styling. They’ve revamped for Layton’s higher skill levels. It got a clean sweep of nines last time, so expect him to go one better. Leaps into a forward roll. They’re perfectly in sync and glued together. Charleston kicks. Ritzy and glitzy indeed.
Song: Puttin’ On The Ritz by Gregory Porter. The Irving Berlin standard from the 1930 musical was the first ever film song to be performed by an interracial ensemble, which feels fitting.

Judges’ scores: 9, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 39 points. Same as Ellie but a seven-point improvement on Movie Week.

Judges’ comments for Bobby and Dianne: Bobby is a bit like a hyperactive kid tonight. Been on the Sunny Delight? Anton says “I’m going to give you 12 for those snaky, slinky hips, you improved it out of sight, well done kiddo”. Craig says “vast improvement, controlled arms delighted me and I can take full responsibility, hip-tastic”. Motsi says “free spirit, pure joy”. Shirley concludes “you’ve gone from King of Ballroom to King Of Latin, I don’t have a paddle big enough”. Nines and tens again?

Bobby and Dianne’s samba
The judges pick their Movie Week routine from 10 weeks ago, themed around Romeo + Juliet - hence Bobby’s chainmail top and Dianne’s angel wings.It’s the number that promoted Anton to hail Bobby’s “double-joined trick pelvis”. Can they bring the party again? Snappy hip action, shimmies and bounce. Plenty of spice and sizzle. It scored a clean sweep of eights last time. This more controlled version will improve on that, surely?
Song: Young Hearts Run Free by Kym Mazelle. Candi Staton’s disco-funk classic was covered by house diva Mazelle for the 1996 film. She grew up on the same street as the Jackson family in Gary, Indiana. Quite the musical thoroughfare. Imagine the street parties.

Claudia on the Ts & Cs
Up in the Clauditorium, there’s no VIP guest reading out the voting smallprint. La Winkle does it instead. Both efficient and budget-friendly. Take that, Beeb bashers.
Judges’ scores: 9, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 39 points. Strong start but still no perfect 40 for Ellie.

Judges’ comments for Ellie and Vito: Shirley says “You worked it, absolutely spot-on, a woman in control”. Dressed as Austin Powers, Anton says “calm and collected, great shape and such power”. He’s making random noises again, which isn’t as endearing as he thinks it is. Craig says “power, presence, passion, fantastic”. Motsi concludes “judging by that, this is going to be one of the best Strictly finals ever”. A nines and three 10s, do we think?

Ellie and Vito’s paso doble
Their judge’s pick is the week five paso which saw Ellie find her fire and notch her first 10. She’s now more confident and a technically better dancer, so Vito has ramped up the choreography and added steps. Slow dramatic start with some stair-ography. Fierce, passionate and powerful. Twist, turns and promenades. Attack, control and connection. They scored 37 first time around and this should fare even better.
Song: Insomnia by 2WEI, their stripped-back version of the Faithless rave anthem. It was originally written about actual insomnia but adopted as an anthem by clubbers who were wide awake for chemical reasons. Late rapper Maxi Jazz once said: “If I had a quid for every time someone’s come up going, ‘I can’t get no sleep’, I’d be living on the space station.”

First clues at what they’re dancing first from the costumes. Looks like Bobby is starting with his samba, Ellie with her paso doble and Layton with his quickstep.

Please be upstanding for the judges
The paddle-raising panel arrive in all their finery. Motsi Mabuse is in a teal batwing sequinned min-dress, Anton Du Beke in a gold tux, Shirley Ballas in bridal white and Craig Revel Horwood is swivelling, darling.
Here come our hostly duo, so time for the last couture comparison of the series. Tess Daly is in a sci-fi silver dress. Claudia Winkleman is a pewter sequin jumpsuit. Let’s call it a draw for the final.
Our Strictly stars™
Our first sight of the three finalists. Bobby Brazier is dressed as a fudge Quality Street. Layton Williams in mauve sequins. Ellie Leach looks like a festive tangerine with feathers.

Party gets started straight away
We open with an introductory group dance from the Strictly pros. It’s fierce, Latin disco style with a monochrome theme, set to Donna Summer’s This Time I Know It’s For Real. Great to see Amy Dowden back in the fold. Welcome back, Amy.
Roll the traditional VT to ratchet up the tension. I fear we can expect a lot of the J-word tonight. Remember a time when going on a journey meant actual travel?
And we’re off!
Cue clap-along credits. Our last chance to see this year’s title sequence. What’s your favourite bit? For me, it’s a tie between Eddie and Karen’s finger guns, Angela Scanlon’s running man and Les Dennis’ doddery run past Nancy.
Last chance for a drink top-up and some light stretching. We’re about to go over live to the Elstree Studios ballroom…
The first half of the Survivor final on BBC1 right now. The second part airs post-Strictly. Is anyone still watching this reality yawnfest, except perhaps Joel Dommett’s mum? I fear not.
A mere five minutes to wait now…
A new pro champ will be crowned
There’s going to be a new professional champion tonight, since none of our final three pros have won the title before. Vito Coppola and Dianne Buswell have reached the final, with Fleur East and Joe Sugg respectively, but both finished runners-up.
Nikita Kuzmin is a first-time finalist. Indeed, he’s never finished in the top five before. Mere minutes he makes his bid for the glitterball…
Here’s a quirky stat nugget. Way back in week one, all three of our finalists scored 29 points. Look how far they’ve come.
Luvvies, luvvies everywhere
Former tennis star Annabel Croft’s semi-final exit left us with an all-actor final three. Whoever wins will become the seventh thespian to lift the glitterball, following in the footsteps of Jill Halfpenny, Joe McFadden, Tom Chambers, Kelvin Fletcher, Kara Tointon and Rose Ayling Ellis.
A decent cast for an ITV drama, no?
Semi-final rewound
A quick reminder of last weekend’s action. Layton Williams scored a perfect 40 and topped the leaderboard for the second week running, with Ellie Leach in second place again.
Bobby Brazier and Annabel Croft were consigned to the dreaded dance-off. Annabel was sent home, completing her transformational and emotional Strictly experience.
Now we’ve refreshed our mulled wine-addled memories, it’s just 10 minutes until the glitterball starts spinning….
Can Ellie notch a perfect 40?
Ellie Leach has scored a near-perfect 39 points on two occasions and 38 points three times. Can she score a maximum at last when it really counts?
Meanwhile, Bobby Brazier has never been scored a 10 by Craig Revel Horwood nor, more surprisingly, Motsi Mabuse. Can he tempt out those precious paddles tonight?
Let’s play Strictly final bingo
Check them off when they happen on screen! Take a drink for each! Wake up wrapped in fairylights under the Christmas tree! Here’s your last 10-point spotter’s guide of the series…
Craig declares a dance as “a-may-zing” or “fab-ew-lous”
Heartstring-tugging messages from loved ones designed to make the finalists cry
Vito amuses Claudia with talk of the “fregolina” step or “tentaculars”
Les Dennis dad-dances during the celebrity group number
A finalist unconvincingly insists they don’t mind the result because “I’m already a winner”
Dianne/Nikita describe Bobby/Layton “like my brother”
Jeff Brazier weeps with fatherly pride in the studio audience
A celebrity describes their pro partner as “part of the family” or “a friend for life”
Ginger Neil elbows his way to front of Clauditorium crowd to maximise his camera time
Tess tells a celebrity “the crowd are on their feet” or “look at your little face”
One of the biggest TV nights of the year
Strictly’s regular audience of 9m audience is expected to rise to 11m or 12m for tonight’s final. Proof that live terrestrial TV still can’t be beaten for creating communal, nation-uniting events.
Not long to wait now…
Strictly come signalling
An email in from reader Peter Gibbs:
“Michael, I follow your Strictly blog when watching the show. Tonight, I’m in a dead internet area, camping, no TV, near Castle Douglas. Had to go into town to download last night’s Strictly ITT. Now, if I stand outside with the phone on the end of a pole, I get just enough signal to refresh your comms so, make it worth the cramps please. Keeeeeeeeeeeeep buffering!!! ( ps it’s been a joy. Thank you)"
We’ll do our best, Peter. Good luck with the pole-dancing.
On your dance cards tonight
We’ll see a typically Strictly mix of styles in tonight’s final - although it is a little light on ballroom. Traditionalists will enjoy a quickstep and an American smooth. Latin fans can look forward to a paso doble, a samba and an Argentine tango.
Freestyle fans can get their teeth into Bobby Brazier’s Couple’s Choice and, of course, those three eagerly awaited showdances. Not long until ballroom blast-off…
Youth has triumphed
With an average age of just 23, tonight’s trio make it the youngest ever Strictly final. We haven’t had an all-twentysomething finale since way back in series five. A shame that the golden oldies all fell away.
Twenty minutes until that ba-ba-da theme tune…
Ellie Leach is the bookies’ favourite
The Coronation Street alumna and Bury-born ballroom dynamo is hot favourite with bookmakers to lift the trophy.
Layton Williams is their second-placed tip, with Bobby Brazier as the rank outsider. But is that the way it will go out there on the ballroom floor tonight? It’s all to dance for and 25 minutes until glittery go-time…
Three is the magic number
Our three finalists will perform three routines tonight: their own favourite from the series, the judges’ pick and the anything-goes showdance - a chance for their pro partners to really shine as choreographers.
There are no rules and no limits on how many dance styles they can combine, with tricks and lifts positively encouraged. It’s a chance to combine everything they’ve learned over the past three months, seize the moment and throw everything at their last chance to impress.
It’s less than half an hour until the sparkly curtain comes up…
Who will find a glitterball trophy in their stocking?
Who’ll be naughty? Who’ll be nice? And who’ll go home with the shiniest bauble of all? Good evening and welcome to the big one. And we don’t mean a Blackpool rollercoaster. It’s the gala grand final of Strictly Come Dancing 2023.
I’m Michael, your cyber dance partner for the series climax. Please watch along with me as our three finalists bid to get their hands on that coveted mirrored trophy.
If they thought double-dancing for last week’s semi-final was tough, the ante is now upped with three routines apiece. Two they’ve performed before. The third is the eagerly awaited, razzle-dazzle showdance - always a series highlight and a treat for this two-hour spectacular.
Tonight’s show also sees the mighty Cher performing in the ballroom and the Strictly class of 2023 returning for one last epic group routine. Can they turn back time and find a way? And do you believe in life after love? It promises to be a fitting climax to a memorable contest.
It’s showtime at 7pm on BBC One. I’ll be liveblogging from 6.30pm, providing build-up, rolling coverage, analysis, insta-reaction, slightly nerdy stats and mild-to-medium-spiced sarcasm. So for the last Saturday night of the series, pour a festive libation, line up some snacks and see you on the sofa.
As ever, I’d absolutely love to hear from you too. You can tweet me @michaelhogan, email me michael.hogan.freelance@guardian.co.uk and the comments section below is open for ballroom business. I’ll keep a Shirley Ballas-style beady eye on it all and quote a selection of your comments.
Will our 21st Strictly champion be Ellie Leach, Layton Williams or Bobby Brazier? It’s nearly time to staaaaart glitterball-winning!