A self-taught street photographer from Oldham is working on a novel project capturing Manchester in miniature size.
Gisela Szlatoszlavek 51, has been a street photographer for eleven years. Five months ago she decided to embark on the project called 'Urban miniatures' using tiny models to create scenes in and around Manchester and Blackpool, before posting them up on Instagram.
Gisela buys tiny miniature models, adapts them and makes clothes for them, before setting up scenes outside. She says: "I do a lot of shooting in Blackpool and I go in to Manchester a lot as there are so many iconic places."

She says: "I have taken my love of street photography to the tiniest of levels, taking weeks to create miniature art installations in real-life settings.
"Each of the models takes weeks and weeks. I go on Street View if I have an idea in my head and then I will go there to do a proper reccy. It is good therapy.
She adds: "My husband always starts talking to me when I am doing a really tricky bit." But all is forgiven, as Gisela says she often takes her husband Craig along with her while she is capturing her miniature moments.
She says: "I am often down on the floor on my knees and people think I have collapsed. He has my back."

Gisela has set up scenes with her miniature models that include such iconic places as Salfords Lads Club, where she positioned a tiny Morrisey figure gazing at the Club, a bunch of flowers behind his back and a tiny flower seller, along with a real bunch of Gladioli, famously favoured by The Smiths singer, who often had them in his back pocket as he sang on stage.
"I had to wait until they were out as they are seasonal," she says. "And then they don't last very long."

Gisela has also created scenes with as nod to Iconic club The Hacienda and Manchester band The Courteeners as well as creating a scene with a bee - the famous emblem of the city. Her bee scene is titled 'Buzzin' and Gisela has nicknamed the bee Bez, of Happy Mondays fame.

The passionate street photographer has a sell out book called That Golden Mile being published and says she is trying to make a name for herself. She says she would love to commission work and have exhibitions in the future.
She says: "I am trying to capture what is great about Manchester. It's relaxing and rewarding and the best part is having a finished product."
See more of Gisela's work on instagram here

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