It's time to "expect the unexpected" with Big Brother season 26. This season's theme is BB AI, and the Houseguests are in for lots of twists and turns courtesy of Ainsley, the Big Brother Artificial Intelligence Entity. If you're hoping to keep track of the 16 Houseguests during their stay, Pluto TV is offering full coverage of the 24/7 live feeds as well as past seasons of the series on demand.
Beginning July 18, Pluto TV is offering a dedicated Big Brother category on its main menu. There, Big Brother enthusiasts will be able to watch five Pop-Up channels. Four of those five channels will be individual live-stream feeds while the fifth channel will be a combined, four-way split screen with all four feeds available. There will also be a Big Brother channel where fans can watch seasons 19-25 for free.
With the live feeds, fans can watch the Houseguests 24/7, except when competitions are underway. In that case, a screensaver will be displayed until the completion of the event when the cameras turn on again.
Big Brother fans love the live feeds, as the show itself is only on three days a week and it's impossible to fit everything into three hours. The live feeds often reveal the winners of competitions in real time, so if you want to know who won the Head of Household of the Power of Veto competition, the live feeds can be a fount of information.
I'm a big fan of the combined view, but I always mute the channel when I watch because you also get all four audio streams and it can get a little hectic. Sometimes you have feeds from different locations in the house, and sometimes they offer multiple views of the same room. It all depends on who is running the cameras at that moment and where the most action in the house is happening.
Big Brother season 26 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 9 pm ET/PT on CBS, with new episodes available to stream the following day on Paramount Plus. Fans can also watch all 25 seasons of the show on Paramount Plus in addition to the live feeds.