Adult film actress Stormy Daniels recently shared details of her encounter with former President Donald Trump during a dinner meeting at a hotel. Daniels described how it was still light outside when she arrived for dinner, prompting Trump to comment on the early hour.
During their conversation, Trump expressed interest in getting to know Daniels better, asking about her background and family. Daniels mentioned where she grew up and revealed that she does not have any siblings. The discussion also touched on the conditions of Daniels' childhood, indicating a deeper level of conversation between the two.
Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger inquired about the nature of their discussion, specifically asking if Daniels had spoken to Trump about her childhood experiences. Daniels confirmed that they did indeed discuss her upbringing, highlighting a more personal exchange during their meeting.
These revelations shed light on the interactions between Daniels and Trump, providing insight into their initial conversation and the topics they covered. The details shared by Daniels offer a glimpse into the dynamics of their relationship during the early stages of their acquaintance.