Boris Johnson should know that there is a stall on Bury indoor market that will unlock any phone for a small fee (Report, 13 July). It is the same market that Rishi Sunak visited at local election time. He stood under a sign saying “Welcome to Bury market”, and said how great it was to visit Burnley market. These folk really do need to get out more.
Bob Hargreaves
Summerseat, Greater Manchester
• Twenty-five years ago, I received a plastic ballpoint pen and card to thank me for my work for the NHS. In these straitened times, I wonder what my working colleagues would prefer – a pen or a properly funded health service?
Dr Ann Early
Winscombe, Somerset
• Last week, in a forest car park in northern France, I was astonished to be approached by a racoon. I later learned that at least three separate populations of these North American animals are now established in France. Like the turtles and terrapins (Letters, 13 July), they are the result of careless “pet” owners.
John Davies
• Sandy Guthrie, confused by “forgive us our chess pieces”, should have asked her local bishop to explain (Letters, 13 July).
Claude Scott
• Children in my Oxfordshire class used to wonder why they should not be led into Thame station.
Marilyn Rowley
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.