Owen Jones’s mithering about the state of “the Labour left” (Demoralised and shattered: yes, the left in the UK is down. But here’s why it isn’t out, 25 January), as the party marches towards a historic victory and the chance to right 14 years of Tory wrongs, reads a lot like an overwrought fan analysis of the tediously boring Star Wars movie prequels. Can we not just all enjoy watching the Death Star get blown up?
Dan Blackburn
• You report that it is within Ofcom’s gift to make first- and second-class Royal Mail deliveries take up to three days or longer (Royal Mail could save £650m by moving to three-day-a-week service, says Ofcom 24 January). Three days seems reasonable, but we do need to be wary of the “longer” option: on 25 January I received a Christmas card postmarked 2 December!
Graham Stevens
Crowborough, East Sussex
• I was delighted but very surprised when a parcel of home baking posted at 12 midday in Sheffield arrived at my sister’s farmhouse five miles from Lancaster at 12 midday the following day – cheese scones from oven to Aga in 24 hours.
Susan Apedaile Bolger
• £25,000 for a burial plot next to Karl Marx (Letters, 23 January)? Should we be concerned? Is this another communist plot?
Rich Chandler
Caldicot, Monmouthshire
• Your article on Michelle Mone (25 January) missed out the word “ourselves” in the following quote: “I looked at Doug and I thought, we could really, really help here.”
Gary McGregor
Garvald, East Lothian
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.