Stockport council is to invest more than £1m in ‘one off monies’ to help the borough bounce back from the pandemic over the next 12 months.
These six schemes - ranging from flood prevention to mental health - form part of its proposed budget for the 2022/23 financial year.
But this also includes a 3.5pc increase in council tax, which means an average Band D household can expect to see its annual bill rise by more than £60.
Deputy council leader Tom McGee says bosses are aware of the ‘burden’ this will place on residents - so have identified a number of ‘positive investments’ to tackle some long-standing issues in the borough.
The cash comes from one-off grants rather than expected tax revenue, and is separate from the main capital expenditure programme.
A report that will go before cabinet on Tuesday night says the schemes have been selected to ‘support the recovery process and to continue to support the delivery on our ambitions and priorities for the borough’.
They are as follows:
Digital services in libraries - £100k
Bosses say the last two years have shown just how ‘vital it is to be digitally included in today’s world’.
However many Stockport residents remain excluded because they either lack skills or don’t have access to affordable devices and data.
The money will be targeted at communities who are at most risk of being 'digitally left behind',such as the elderly and most deprived.
Mental health and addiction services - £150k
This extra investment in mental health and alcohol and drugs services will enable the continued outreach support to the communities that most need it.
Council chiefs say the additional funding will be vital in addressing people’s additional needs and the health inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic.
The report adds: “Evidence shows that these type of targeted personalised interventions have the biggest sustainable impact when working with people living with mental health needs or addiction.”
The cash will be spent on helping the voluntary sector respond with early intervention or prevention services for families as well as adults.
A smaller proportion of the funding would be dedicated to boosting mental health training for frontline staff, and the planned Stockport mental health and wellbeing campaign.
Targeted Youth Support - £150k
This will boost the newly-developed Detached Youth Work Team in its work engaging with young people in their local communities.
The team aims to reduce anti-social behaviour and disorder by groups of young people gathering in public areas.
Youth workers will identify and engage young people at risk of this behaviour by using specialist skills and mentoring.
It is also backed by a schools-based offer to improve liaison, raise awareness and reduce the risk of exclusion.

F looding and environmental Infrastructure - £500k
Stockport has been hit hard by serious flooding over the last few years, creating misery for many of its residents.
Bosses say a ‘great deal of work’ has been to done to mitigate against future downpours - but more must be done to the infrastructure is ‘as robust as possible’
As part of this, the council has committed to planting as many trees as possible through its ‘Climate Action Now’ strategy.
The budget report adds: “This is not only to work towards our goal of carbon neutrality by 2038 but to also increase water attenuation across the borough relieving some pressure on our drainage systems.
“This very welcome one-off capital investment is an opportunity to add to the significant amount of work already being undertaken and it will make a difference.”
District centres - £250k
Town hall chiefs say the pandemic has shown how district centres - from Cheadle and the Heatons to Romiley and Hazel Grove - are ‘incredibly important’ and ‘lifelines for our communities’.
This money is intended to complement the work the council is already doing to improve these areas.
The report adds: “The investment will enable small capital interventions into the centres which will be assessed on a case-by-case [basis] to ensure that any such intervention contributes to the vibrancy and vitality of the centre.”
The council may also revisit the interest-free loan scheme it proposed in 2019 but put on hold during the pandemic.
Armed forces veterans - £100k
This short-term investment in support for borough veterans aims to strengthen the council’s partnership with the armed forces.
It will help both organisations to take a ‘joined up approach’ in delivering services to those who have served - or are still serving - and their families.
“This will ensure that they are not disadvantaged and have equity of opportunity as set out in the armed forces covenant,” the council’s report adds.
Funding will be use to meet veterans’ needs ‘with a view to with a view to developing a long term sustainable offer across the borough’