If every single day you wake up, log on, and think "the internet sure is stupid," then have I got a game for you. Stimulation Clicker is another absolute banger from creator Neal Agarwal, whose weird little browser games are always a delight.
In Stimulation Clicker you click a button to gain stimulation, allowing you to purchase more things that will bring you stimulation, in a quest for the most powerful simulation of what it's like to give your brain wholly over to the vast array of corporate algorithms that control the internet I have ever seen.
The entire experience quickly snowballs into an ever-more-obnoxious and horrible overlay of competing things trying to grab your attention with ever-more-obnoxious and money-grubbing trash before reaching a crescendo that I found quite satisfying as a reward for a half-hour's attention.
It's not a particularly deep commentary on this kind of thing, but it is a useful one. It reminds you that a lot of what you see was designed to engross and devour your time—often against your own better judgment. I highly recommend it. (Even if you, like me, have to turn the volume way down and/or mute it as you near the end.)
Afterward I went outside and enjoyed the sound of the wind in the trees.
This is not the first time PC Gamer has reported on Neal Agarwal's excellent little browser games. Looking at the archives, the staff here apparently does so about once a year. Last year we highlighted his odd and fun little game about infinitely combining things, before that we approached, in a similar manner to this one, Agarwal's entirely infuriating game about trying to get your password right.