Ryan Leonard described this morel season as “fantastic,” topped by the 10 he found Saturday morning while walking with his 3-year-old twins in northern Cook County.
“The morel on the left is the biggest I have ever found,” he emailed.
Yes, he does get bonus points come for his choice of day indicator, always excellent for Morel of the Week.
With the hot dry weather after the delayed spring, I’m not sure how many MOTWs will be posted.
MOTW, the celebration of hunting for morel mushrooms around Chicago outdoors and their stories (the stories matter, as this one shows), runs Wednesdays in the paper Sun-Times as warranted. The online posting here at https://chicago.suntimes.com/outdoors goes up at varied days of the week, depending on what is going on the wide world of the outdoors.
To make submissions, email (BowmanOutside@gmail.com) or contact me on Facebook (Dale Bowman), Twitter (@BowmanOutside) or Instagram (@BowmanOutside).