Captain America has had his hands full of late fixing up the apartment building where he grew up while also tracking down a villain known as the Emissary. And in Captain America #6, the evil Emissary, who serves the demon Asmoday, will come to blows with Cap as he tries to disrupt a "peace rally".
We've got an early preview of interior pages from Captain America #6 by writer J. Michael Straczynski, artist Lan Medina, inker Belardino Bravo, colorist Espen Gruntedjern, and letterer Joe Caramagna, in which Steve Rogers goes toe-to-toe with the Emissary, who is empowered by demonic magic. The fight is also intercut with more flashbacks to Steve's pre-Captain America history, tying into his current battle against the demon known as Asmoday.
Check out the pages here, along with the cover by Taurin Clarke:

"CAPTAIN AMERICA VS. THE EMISSARY! It's a fight to the death as Captain America races to take down the Emissary before he destroys a peace rally - and Cap himself," reads Marvel's official description of Captain America #6. "But when physical might proves futile against the supernatural, will an assist from Doctor Strange be enough to turn the tide?"
Straczynski, often known by his initials JMS, has previously written a critically acclaimed Spider-Man run which culminated in the controversial One More Day storyline which ended the marriage of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, as well as a fan-favorite Thor run which brought the God of Thunder back to prominence after the story Avengers: Disassembled.
Captain America #6 goes on sale February 7.
Read the best Captain America comics of all time.