If you’re looking to make some gains in your workout routine, get your heart rate up and reach new heights (literally), then this workout is for you.
Incorporating jumps into your regular workout moves will get your heart rate up but fatigue your muscles faster. These exercise moves are very high impact. It’s important to always land jumps with soft knees when jumping with your feet, and soft or bent elbows when the weight is on your hands, such as in a push-up position.
This exercise routine is not for the faint of heart! Be sure to check with your doctor or healthcare professional before performing these and other exercises.
Squat Jump
Start with your feet standing a little bit wider apart than your hips. Lower yourself into a squat reaching your glutes and your knees tracking over the second toes of your feet. Press down through the heels as you jump up as high as you can, and then land down on your feet with your knees bent. Do NOT stick your landing. This can cause unnecessary extra pressure on your joints. Keep the knees in a bent position and lower down into another squat and jump. Repeat this 10 times.
Jumping Lunge
Step one foot forward and one foot back, keeping legs as wide apart as your hips. Lower down into a lunge, and then press up into a jump and switch the feet! You’ll alternate lunges between your right and left side. Remember to land with bent knees – both the front and back knee – to do this exercise correctly. Repeat this 10 times.
Jumping Wide-Leg Squat
Place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn the toes out. Bend the knees out to the sides and keep your back straight as you lower down into a squat. Press down through the feet as you spring up into a full jump, and then land in the same position in which you started with soft, bent knees. Repeat this 10 times.
Jumping Pushup
Start with knees bent and palms on the floor in a squat position. Bend your elbows and jump your feet back into a plank position with your elbows slightly bent. Then lower down into a push-up, and exhale as you press back up to plank. Then bend your knees and jump forward. Repeat this 10 times.
Take rests in between sets to ensure you have the energy to maintain proper form for these jumping exercises!
Stephanie Mansour wants you to ‘“step up” your fitness regimen. Mansour coaches private clients in weight loss, provides fitness/health/lifestyles advice on national TV shows, and offers her free 21 Day Challenge online. Check out her fitness tips every Thursday in the Well section of the Chicago Sun-Times. And visit her website at stepitupwithsteph.com.