WORKERS for Newcastle steelmaker InfraBuild have walked off the job for the first time in more than 30 years to demand better wages and conditions.
Lenny Edwards has worked in the industry for more than four decades and said employees at two of the company's local sites - Rod Mill and AusTube - felt more drastic action was called for.
The steel industry's combined unions, including the Australian Workers' Union (AWU), have called on InfraBuild to negotiate a new fair deal for Newcastle workers in line with the consumer price index (CPI).
"It's the cost of living, CPI increases, mortgage rates, the cost of fuel at the moment is going up astronomically, and it's just hurting everyone's back pocket," Mr Edwards said.
"All we're asking for is our share of [InfraBuild's] profits in the way of wages."
Members went on strike for two hours on Thursday, November 2, in an escalation in action that the unions say will continue if a new agreement isn't reached.
"That's up to the masses, but at this stage, everyone's steadfast and they've drawn a line in the sand saying 'this is it - if you don't come to the party then this is what we'll keep doing'," Mr Edwards said.

He said InfraBuild had made offers that were shot down at meetings, and they had made a counter offer.
Dozens of workers gathered in Mayfield North for the rally, chanting "union power" and "stand up, fight back".
Newcastle AWU organiser Ben Horan said the situation had been brewing the past three decades.
"It's escalated to a point where our members feel like this is the time to start pushing," he told the Newcastle Herald.
He said members had been helping keep InfraBuild going and had over the years even accepted zero per cent increases.
He said with the cost of living crisis, members needed a better deal to "keep food on the table" and their "mortgages paid".
The unions said two enterprise agreements are being negotiated, for Rod Mill and AusTube, after expiring on September 1.
The unions allege AusTube Mills management has acted "spitefully" since employees condemned a proposed agreement with a 91 per cent no vote in September.
The unions say since the vote, management has moved employees from a 12-hour shift pattern to an eight hour shift, against employee wishes, and taken away paid shower time and break provisions.
An InfraBuild spokesperson said it would continue talks.
"InfraBuild has been negotiating in good faith with the unions and delegates and will continue to do so," they said.
"We have offered a substantial package with a 12 per cent increase to base pay over three years as well as increases to shift loadings, bonus payment systems and superannuation."