Can you believe that Travis Kelce has always been this person? That he—a certified goofy boy and professional tight end—did not just suddenly become this charming lad because he started dating Taylor Swift? Well, sometimes we all need a bit of a reminder of these things, which is probably why this video of Taylor's man having himself a nice little spa day is making the virality rounds again.
Look at this sweet child of an adult, just absolutely giddy at the prospect of getting himself worked out on a table on camera. No one has been more ready and relaxed to be rubbed and all suds up for the entertainment of millions of strangers.
The captions, however, are what really sell the impish charm of the whole thing:

Ugh. Of course you love bubbles, Travis Kelce! You are only human, toiling away on this mortal coil with an increasing worldly weight on your shoulders, the expectations and emotional stability of thousands of middle-aged men hinging solely on your ability to make the ball do things well! Of course you love bubbles, you sweet cylinder of a man!
Of course, he's not without his worries:

And yet! There's something about the twinkle in his eye that tells me knows exactly what his teammates are going to say and do and he's, frankly, absolutely thrilled about the prospect of goofing around and getting rip apart by his fellow football dudes for having a spa day on camera.
This guy, am I right?

Anyway, I know there was a point to posting all of this, but, frankly, we're a bit too distracted to remember the "why" of it all right now.

Same, Travis, same.
Anyway, Taylor Swift's boyfriend, everyone! A round of applause for the sweaty, half-naked show. See you all in 47 seconds when he does something else that people can't help but feel charmed by!