There are many things that you can do in "State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition." Arguably, one of the most important things is claiming a home and expanding your base of operations.
Having your own base will let you upgrade the amount of space and the number of facilities that your starter base had. On the other hand, claiming outposts is equally important, but it is done in a different manner altogether.
There are many outposts scattered throughout the map that provide different benefits when players claim them. You can claim these outposts on top of having your own base and you can have many claimed at any given time.
However, the process of claiming outposts and how to be efficient with them can be confusing, especially for players who are relatively new to "State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition."
Outposts are particularly useful when you don't have enough time to explore the map to gather resources.
How To Claim an Outpost
In order to claim an outpost for yourself in "State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition," you will have to find an outpost on the map and clear out any zombies that are lurking around the area, according to Shack News.
After doing this, you need to find the red lantern that will let you purchase the outpost itself using Influence points that you have earned.
When you interact with the lantern, you will open the outpost menu that gives various information about the particular outpost that you have visited.
Getting Influence Points
There are a lot of ways that you can get Influence points in the game, including killing small elite enemies, such as Screamers and Bloaters. You also get Influence whenever you kill hordes of zombies, Ferals, and Juggernauts.
Finishing side quests is also a valid option for getting more Influence points to let you claim the outposts that you want to have. One of the more lucrative alternatives is killing Plague Hearts, which will give you 150 Influence points each, The Game said.
Benefits of Claiming Outposts
Whenever you claim an outpost in "State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition," you will receive a variety of effects unique to specific outposts. For example, the Pump Station outpost will give you water supply and a morale bonus.
Other benefits of different outposts also include daily meds, materials, fuel, and ammo, which will reduce your need to go out of your way to gather. Some outposts also give you power and bed capacity.
Other Tips
Claiming outposts is a worthwhile investment in the game, but you should also note that you can only claim up to a certain number. You can increase this limit to the maximum by upgrading your Command Center to level three.
To do this, you will have to get the "Knowledge of Computers" skill from one of your survivors.
You will also need a Power outpost, Scraps of Circuitry, Materials, and at least three survivors. The most difficult requirement among these is the "Knowledge of Computers" skill because it mainly relies on luck.
To make things easier, you can try to recruit a survivor who has either Programming or Electronics aptitudes.
You should also find a computer textbook and teach one of your recruits. On the other hand, you can also buy a computer textbook from a Parts or Network Trade that you can use to teach a survivor, according to Game Rant.