Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Saturday said the State government could keep all its promises to improve public education and the health sector.
Opening the valedictory session of the Kerala Pulayar Maha Sabha (KPMS) convention on Kozhikode Beach, Mr. Vijayan pointed out that the poor sections of society could take advantage of the growth in the two sectors.
On the initiatives taken by the government in the health sector, Mr. Vijayan said the State could handle the pandemic crisis with proper planning and vision. It could even set a model for other States and nations in effectively managing pandemic crisis, he said.
He advised caution against attempts to divide society. Attempts to trigger hatred and hostility should be opposed at all levels, he said.
KPMS State general secretary Punnala Sreekumar chaired the convention that drew the participation of thousands of members from north Kerala districts.