Sometimes, the most impressive monsters are the ones that go unseen. This is as true in Star Wars as anywhere else; the dianoga in the trash compacter is barely glimpsed but still terrifying, and the threat of the Sarlacc is so fearsome it even (temporarily) consumed the great Boba Fett.
The franchise may be known for its creature design, but it knows when to maintain a mystery. This remained true in The Mandalorian Season 3, when one of the most famous unseen Star Wars creatures made its live-action debut... but only briefly. Now, however, a new Star Wars book suggests that there’s more to come.

According to Star Wars Holocron, the recent sourcebook Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1: Creatures of the Galaxy dedicates a section to the dinosaur-esque Mythosaur. While the creature technically appeared in the animated segment of The Star Wars Holiday Special, its canonical debut came in The Mandalorian Season 3, when Din Djarin dives into the depths of the Mines of Mandalore, and we get a glimpse of the mythosaur’s giant eye.
Later, Din Djarin asks The Armorer about the Mythosaur. “The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising up to herald a new age of Mandalore,” she says. “Sadly, it only exists in legends.” But that might not be true, according to the book, as it refers to these creatures as “not-so-mythical.” There’s another mention of the Armorer’s prophecy as well: “Mandalorians believe that Mythosaurs will one day rise up to usher in a new age for their people,” the book says.

When the Mythosaur was first mentioned in The Mandalorian Season 3, it was thought to be a tease for something bigger in Season 4. However, we now know that the most likely option for a glimpse at a Mythosaur will be in the 2026 movie The Mandalorian and Grogu. The fact that a new book took the time to remind readers of this prophecy only supports that theory.
With the Mandalorians reclaiming their planet at the end of Season 3, we’re definitely in a new age of Mandalore. If that prophecy is true, it should be just a matter of time until the Mythosaurs rise; they’re simply waiting for the chance to make a splash on the big screen.