Star Wars Outlaws give players a chance to explore the vastness of space armed with their trusty blasters.
The game also offers you a variety of options to make your weapon stronger with different upgrades and modules. This article helps you in figuring out which of these are useful and how to actually get them.
You should first know that there are three main variations that you can choose from for your blaster; Light, Rapid, and Heavy. These then have more upgrades that you can choose from to further customize your firing experience.
Rapid Configuration
A good early upgrade to your base blaster is the Rapid Configuration which lets you shoot faster by just holding the button. The main downside of this is that it is not as accurate as other versions of your weapon, according to The Gamer.
You will see the shots dispersing quite a bit from the area you were actually aiming for. This means that this configuration is not going to be effective at longer ranges. But if you can get closer, this upgrade will let you mow down your enemies in no time.
Burst Configuration
When you use the ion module for your blaster, the Burst Configuration is the default setting that you will see. With this setting, your shots will be able to stun enemies. Since they are also electric, they are effective against droids because of their mechanical nature.
The chance to stun is quite useful to incapacitate some enemies if you have a lot of foes to deal with at the same time. The ion module is also better used with the disruptor set to make the most out of its benefits.
Surge Configuration
The ion module also has a Surge branch that is very useful against shields and droids. However, the main downside of this upgrade is that it has a particularly short range. This means that you need to dive into danger to actually take advantage of it, IGN said.
Upgrading this version of your blaster will reduce the time between shots that you fire and will allow you to fire more shots before it overheats. The final upgrade also increases the power of the blast and expands its range.
There are many options to choose from in trying to upgrade your blaster. This process can be done only after you unlock the False Flag main quest. You will have to visit the workbench on the Trailblazer.
Upgrading your blaster requires various materials that you will have to gather yourself. The majority of these can be found scattered throughout the Galaxy.
However, some can only be bought from the exclusive stock section of syndicate-affiliate merchants, according to Game Rant.