A man jailed for a campaign of abuse against a woman complained to the judge that his 27-month sentence was "madness" and that "child molesters get less than that". Anton Blanco, 32, of Abertillery in Gwent, pleaded guilty to stalking and breaching a non-molestation order.
He appeared at Bristol Crown Court for sentence today (January 6, 2022). Judge Martin Picton told him: "These are very serious offences. You engaged in a campaign of abusive behaviour that went on for a really long time. It had an effect on her and people that knew her."
Blanco told the judge: "Madness, child molesters get less than that. B***ocks. 27 months baby!"
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Giles Nelson, prosecuting, said Blanco bombarded the victim, who lived near Bristol, with abusive messages. Police were alerted and advised him to have no further contact or he risked arrest, the court heard.
Mr Nelson said after matters were reported to police a doll of Harry Potter character Dobby was placed on the victim's car. He told the court it was from Blanco and was for "dobbing him in" to police.

The court heard Blanco continued to message the victim and her associates. She also had her car scratched, sugar poured into her petrol tank and one of her tyres stabbed with a craft knife.
The woman gave an impact statement in which she said she had felt very intimidated and had relocated as a result. She stated she had not been able to sleep or eat and had wanted to ask Blanco why he had done this to her.
Caitlin Evans, defending, said her client had not had the easiest of upbringings. She said he had relocated to Wales, where he was creating a new life for himself.
Blanco had been prescribed anti-depressants from his GP, has stopped alcohol intake and curbed cannabis use, Miss Evans said. She added: "There is a real prospect of rehabilitation."
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