Love Actually
Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant discussing how much he hated filming the dance scene
Emma Thompson
a 2018 interview
Bang Showbiz
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
bangers and pop on iconique Christmas flicks. But what you’re not within your rights to do is hate on the masterpiece that is — I’m looking at you, .
Every bloody year there’ll be a new round of negativity surrounding the film, whether it’s to journos dissecting the problematic aspects.
And it’s already bloody begun!
In the trailer for the 20th anniversary special for the film, the cast members returned to discuss their mems of filming one of the greatest Chrissy flicks of all time. And, naturally, Hugh Grant’s disdain for the movie came up.
Queen of the universe shared a memory of one time during filming when Hugh Grant voiced his contempt for the movie.
“Hugh came up behind me as we were walking out and said, ‘Is that the most psychotic thing we’ve ever been in?'” Thompson said in the promo for the special.
“Did I say that?” Grant responded.
I don’t know why he’s surprised, he pretty much whines about the movie every Chrissy just to stomp on our hearts.
In with , Grant dead-ass said he doesn’t “know why is still so popular.”
Excuse me, sir???
He went on to describe filming the dancing scene as “the most excruciating scene ever committed.”
Be that as it may, the movie brings people joy every damn year so can’t you suck it up and support us in our merriment as we rewatch it to get into the Chrissy spirit?
Nup, this year I will be tolerating zero hate.
Instead, I’ll leave you with the trailer for the 20th anniversary special:
The post Stale Take: I Won’t Be Hearing Any Love Actually Hate This Year From Anyone, Even Hugh Grant appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .