Sandra Haring, a lifelong volunteer and leader at St John Ambulance in Broken Hill, has received a Medal of the Order of Australia for her service to the city.
Ms Haring, a St John Superintendent and cadet trainer, said she was shocked and overwhelmed to find out she had received an OAM in the Queen's Birthday honours.
"I was actually quite shocked. I didn't expect it. I was quite overwhelmed," she said.
Ms Haring said her passion for volunteering started at age nine.
She said she has no intention of stopping now.
"I love helping people and I've loved it since I was a young child ... I might be 62 this year but I'm here for the long haul," Ms Haring said.
"I love my St John involvement, I love working in the community and I love working with the youth.
Cadet program helps young people develop confidence
Ms Haring has been running the cadet division of St John Ambulance in Broken Hill since 1988.
She said the program had helped many local young people develop their confidence.
"It'd have to be probably ... 500 over the years that we've had through the cadet division since my time, at least that," she said.
"It's great to see them excel — it's great to see them go places in life.
It's not the first time Ms Haring has been recognised for her community service.
She was named Broken Hill Citizen of the Year in 2020.
Ms Haring was recognised as New South Wales Volunteer of the Year for the Far West region the previous year.