A woman says squirrels forced her from her home only for her new property to develop a series of problems.
Michelle Phillips hoped her new home would mark a new chapter in her life after moving out of her previous property because of a squirrel infestation.
But she soon realised her housing situation was going to be far from ideal.
Manchester Evening News reports the 54-year-old was moved out of her previous home after the extensive pest problem during the first lockdown
It saw the pests overtaking her attic and keeping her awake all night by the sounds of scurrying and scratching and she lost her job in retail due because of sleep deprivation sparked by the issues.

Attempts to control the situation only made things worse and, after 19 years, she was relocated to a new property by Southway Housing.
But she discovered her new flat front door didn’t shut properly and it was ‘covered in mould and damp’ and had rotten floorboards.
Waste water also regularly came through the bathroom plugs but has since been fixed.
Radiators in the property also had to be replaced because of the level of rust covering them.
She said: "When you put them on, your throat would feel like it was hurting from the rusty smell that developed when they got warmer."
Southway Housing fully investigated and responded to issues when made aware of them, but accepted the void property should have been left in a better condition.

The firm offered Michelle compensation and completed reported repairs before she moved in.
But since February 2021, she claims she has been ‘plagued’ with issues claims she is ‘fighting’ to get her voice heard by Southway.
Michelle put sheets over her front door as part of a temporary solution to stop cold air coming into the property, and her window frames don’t close properly and have gaps causing draughts.
She said: “The water drips down the window sills from the amount of condensation and onto the walls in the same room I am living in. Whenever I clean it up, it all just comes back."
Southway carried out numerous repairs on doors and windows in the property between August and November.

A specialist contractor has since said no further works are needed to the doors, but the firm said it will undergo a full assessment to identify if any additional repairs are needed.
“She said: "It is too cold to undress and wash. I have to sleep in my clothes too just to stay warm.
"I am spending at least £100 a month on heating, but I might as well just be throwing the money away as the property is still freezing cold.
“Mould grows on things I have worked hard for. I keep having to throw things away because they get ruined.”
Southway has been been waiting on a replacement part to fix a small leak in the boiler and the heating system, it claims was working when it was last tested in December.
They are also working with specialist contractors regarding reports of mould.
Michelle decided to spend £500 on new flooring last month in an attempt to try and make the property look nice.

Even though she said she knew it would only hide some of the existing issues, she hoped it would make her feel a bit more happier and comfortable in the property.
She added: “After I removed the carpet, I was gobsmacked to see the extent of the damage to the floorboards. There was rotted wood, mould, and it was covered in dirt and dust.
"I have been told the floor is not safe in places because of how decomposed the wood is and how weak the joists supporting the floor are.
“I cannot get the floors fitted now because of the state of it and I can’t get my money back.”
Southway confirmed there was some evidence of joists rot in the property and a full floor replacement will be scheduled following an asbestos appointment, which took place this week.
The firm also said the floor poses no health and safety risk.

Michelle, who has now appointed solicitors is upset the property continuously needs new repair work.
She added: “I refuse to invite people here because of the humiliation of what I am dealing with.
"I feel so ashamed. All my dignity has been taken away from me through no fault of my own.
“I am a 54-year-old woman who has always gone out to work and paid the bills to keep a roof over my head. I do not believe I deserve to be treated like this.”
“I feel like I have been put in a nightmare situation and I am getting nowhere. It’s like I am being expected to survive in this dump and it’s not fair. I have a continuous cough and am constantly getting ill.”
Michelle’s doctor wrote to Southway Housing Trust in January after discussing her living conditions.
Since receiving the doctor's letter, the housing organisation has made attempts to visit the property to assess the need to move.
It said it had received no information suggesting ill health from mould prior to this.

A spokesperson from Southway Housing Trust said: “We and our specialist independent contractor have visited Ms Phillips’ home over recent months to complete the repairs she has raised, and to carry out surveys in response to her concerns that there was damp and mould at her home.
"There were some initial delays caused by not being allowed into the home on some visits.
"Now we have accessed the property, we have carried out a full assessment and all remedial work required is being completed over the next fortnight.
"Ms Phillips' welfare is our absolute priority, and we are sorry for the upset caused to her during this process.

"Though we would not usually move people so that we can carry out the type of repairs required, we have provided temporary accommodation for the duration of the work so that she is not inconvenienced or distressed.
"We will continue to offer support as required.
"We are also working with our contractor, so that the time between inspections and receipt of surveys detailing work required, is reduced."