Australia’s southern states are finally emerging from a long, dark winter, and much of the country is eyeing more pleasant spring weather.
But consumer advocacy group Choice has savings, rather than sun, on its mind.
With interest rates at a seven-year high, and many Australians feeling the cost-of-living pinch from rising inflation, Choice audience and engagement editor Pru Engel said spring was also the perfect time to freshen up finances and lifestyles.
‘‘It’s a great time to take a fresh look at your finances and see if the new season brings in new opportunities to make savings on everyday costs,’’ she said.
Here are Choice’s top five tips for making the most of spring.
1. Air-dry clothes
‘‘Using your clothes dryer consistently not only gets expensive, but all that energy being used is not great for the environment either,’’ Ms Engel said.
Choice said vented clothes dryers cost about $153 each year to run.
Ditching the drying and hanging laundry on a line in the sun instead will put money straight back in your pocket.
2. Summer-proof your home
It’s not only dryers that chew through energy – air-conditioning units also do.
The best way to save money when cooling your home is to run your air-conditioner at the optimal temperature for efficiency, Ms Engel said.
Aim to set your air-conditioner no more than eight degrees cooler than the outside temperature.
‘‘The bigger the difference between the outdoor temperature and the indoor temperature that you set, the harder the air-conditioner has to work – which means more energy used and bigger power bills,’’ she said.
Spring is also a good time to prepare for the warmer months.
Get curtains, blinds and shade coverings ready now and you will be able to save on cooling costs when the heat hits.

3. Eat seasonally
Another way to cut costs is to take advantage of seasonal produce.
Seasonal fruit and veggies have more flavour – and are usually cheaper and more available.
We’ve all heard the horror stories about $12 lettuces in Australia this year, as growers emerged from devastating floods and bouts of winter weather.
Prices for all kinds of groceries have also risen steadily as inflation has surged.
The good news is that not only are many of those prices starting to return to normal, but spring produce is also about to hit the market.
Keep an eye out for berries, beans, tomatoes, avocados and asparagus, which should all become more affordable in coming weeks.
4. Spring clean
It wouldn’t truly be spring without spring cleaning.
Now is a good time to declutter and see what you can sell.
Do you have clothes you won’t wear again? Or toys your children no longer want? Books you haven’t opened in years?
To reclaim space at home and make extra bucks, Choice recommends placing spring cleaning finds on a peer-to-peer marketplace, such as Kindershare or Quipmo.
5. Reconsider your gym membership
With the weather warming up, you might consider cancelling your gym membership in favour of the great outdoors.
According to Canstar, the average Aussie spends an average of $95 a month on gym memberships – or $1140 a year.
Instead of jumping on an exercise bike at the gym, Ms Engel suggests taking advantage of the warmer weather.
‘‘Dust off the bike that didn’t get much use over winter, head to the beach for more swimming sessions, or take advantage of (hopefully) better weather to take more walks outside instead of using the car, which will also save you on petrol.’’