When lawmakers return to Frankfort on March 29th, a substantial issue remains on their legislative plate. That is, whether or not to legalize sports wagering across the Commonwealth. Senate Majority Floor Leader Damon Thayer has been an outspoken supporter of such an expansion. He said last week, the passage of the medical marijuana bill could provide new momentum for sports betting.
“I don’t want to get anybody overly excited on one side or the other but that’s a big bill that’s been passed in the House a few times that we finally got through the Senate,” said Thayer.
Representatives of the Family Foundation in Kentucky oppose the legislation. Foundation Director David Walls says his group will continue to advocate to vote against what he terms “very problematic predatory gambling.” Walls said the popularity of sports only makes such an expansion more concerning when young people may equate sports participation with gambling.
“Potentially turn every I-phone and cell phone in Kentucky into a mini-digital casino that we know kids will have access to. So, there’s just tremendous harm with that. And we’re going to continue to advocate for good public policy that’s to the benefit of our people instead of to the harm of Kentuckians,” said Walls.
The sports wagering bill easily passed the Kentucky House. Proponents indicated at the end of last week they were about two to three votes shy of passage in the Senate.
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