The second issue of Daniel Warren Johnson's terrific new take on Transformers is published today. While much of the first half of the issue is spent establishing the relationships between Spike, Carly, and the Autobots, the issue quickly takes a much darker turn.
We saw in #1 that Skybound's version of the giant robot franchise isn't afraid to shy away from violence from time-to-time, with Starscream going on a murderous rampage. That continues this issue with the survivors of his attack soon faced with multiple deadly Decepticons. Sucks to be them.

Spoilers for Transformers #2
But the darkest - and grimly funniest - moment in the issue comes when the military gets involved. Yep, despite the Autobots and Decepticons famously being "robots in disguise" their arrival on Earth has definitely not gone unnoticed - something that may tie in to the forthcoming G.I. Joe comics, Duke and Cobra Commander.
Jet fighter Viper 2 is on a routine flight, its pilot Frosting giving another airman a lift to a nearby airbase, when a message comes through to investigate some strange signals. Eager to "find some bad guys," Frosting changes course - and flies straight into Starscream.
A dogfight quickly ensues and while Viper 2 initially appears to have the upper hand, the Decepticon soon transforms and delivers a mighty great slap to the fighter jet.
The two airmen safely eject - but then this happens...

Yep, just after the two airmen have boosted out of their doomed plane, Starscream pops up, says "Hi" to the bewildered Frosting, and then SPLATTs him between two giant metal hands.
It's brutal, surprising, and I genuinely roared with laughter.
It's not the only dark moment in an issue that starts with Optimus Prime accidentally treading on a deer and ends with the revelation that Carly's Dad is dead, the victim of Starscream's attack at the end of #1.
That's not to say that this is grimdark Transformers, or anything as tedious as that. This is still an all-ages comic, it's just playing a little rougher and meaner than we expected - and we're here for it.
Transformers #2 is published today by Skybound.
Find out more about Daniel Warren Johnson's plans for Transformers in our interview with the writer/artist.