A person in a Spiderman costume has been running around in the middle of the night painting the town red to show his support for the Lions.
The wannabe Peter Parker has been painting the England flag on white mini-roundabouts in the Thames Valley and surrounding areas with a paint roller.
Videos of the mystery spiderman show him telling the camera to "shhhh" as he dances towards the road features with his paint roller.
Many have praised the superhero's efforts, amid tension surrounding the tournament being held in Qatar, with some even comparing him to underground artist Banksy.

Others have taken a humours approach, calling the prank "too funny" and "hilarious", made more comical by Spiderman fooling around in the videos.
One person joked: "Shame he's not that muscly in real life!"
Another added about the roundabouts' new looks: "I think they look better."
The mystery man was rumoured to be Stephen Roberts from High Wyombe - who has uploaded the videos.
But he has denied this claim by uploading another video of Spiderman to Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me".
Mini-roundabouts were similarly painted with a St George's cross when England reached the Euro 2020 final, which they lost to Italy.
And in Wales back in 2018, the appearance of red crosses in support of the England football team on their mini-roundabouts infuriated some locals, with calls for the culprits to be arrested.

The Mirror reported on the backlash after crosses appeared on five roundabouts in the small seaside town of Rhyl in north Wales.
While some saw the funny side, others are furious at that their council tax money will be spent on repainting them white.
One angry resident took to Facebook to write "please arrest and throw away the keys" while another said: "this sort of damage costs the tax payer. The money spent to repair this damage could be used elsewhere such as repairing pot holes."
One man simply posted: "The English will never understand will they?"
Another joked that drawing a dragon would be too complicated, so the prankster drew a cross instead.